Black Hole's latest activity

  • Black Hole
    The Humax Foxsat is something of a relic these days and, I suspect, user numbers are pretty low. There's not much activity re. the...
  • Black Hole
    I might be a bit slow here, I'm only firing on half a cylinder, but are you saying you've found where the factory defaults are stored...
  • Black Hole
    Black Hole replied to the thread Media mistakes.
    You expect pricing in a convenience store to match pricing in a superstore? It's there for convenience; if you don't want to pay...
  • Black Hole
    Black Hole replied to the thread Media mistakes.
    I'm not sure about that. My example is clearly incompetence. Your examples are possible instances of when they have more stock of any...
  • Black Hole
    In HDR-FOXland, the count is not the number of recordings, it's the number of unwatched recordings. In the HDR-FOX WebIF, displaying...
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  • Black Hole
    Black Hole replied to the thread Media mistakes.
    I've seen that kind of error in standard pricing, something along the lines of "£2 each, 3 for £7".
  • Black Hole
    Black Hole replied to the thread HDR-FOX T2 DEAD (almost).
    This appears to be the relevant thread:
  • Black Hole
    Black Hole replied to the thread HDR-FOX T2 DEAD (almost).
    Seems obvious, but a photo would be good if only to aid identification. It would also be useful if you linked to your sources...
  • Black Hole
    Black Hole replied to the thread Multi-Select "Mark As New".
    Yes, because rules can be set to act on multiple levels of a directory tree, or a rule at the top acts on all nodes below unless...
  • Black Hole
    Black Hole replied to the thread Amusing Items.
    That being the one which beats LlanfairPG?
  • Black Hole
    Black Hole replied to the thread FOX-T2 display 'Wizzard'.
    So, like, you've not bothered with Restoring User Settings after Restore Factory Defaults then? (yes, that is a link)
  • Black Hole
    Black Hole replied to the thread Multi-Select "Mark As New".
    Sweeper rules can test/set/clear flags, so if you can identify some subset of recordings matching the ones you wish to mark as new, you...
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  • Black Hole
    Black Hole replied to the thread FOX-T2 display 'Wizzard'.
    ...but it has been suggested that it is triggered if the databases become corrupt. All the configuration data is held in SQLite data...
  • Black Hole
    Black Hole replied to the thread FOX-T2 display 'Wizzard'.
    Why is "wizard" so often mis-spelled? OK, so the rock band spelled their name with the double z...
  • Black Hole
    Black Hole replied to the thread ALERT – New Registrations.
    Another one has just had to be seen off, although I notice the account still seems to be active. Question: are mods/admins able to...