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Recent content by cdmackay

  1. cdmackay

    GPT USB disk not automatically mounting; not accessible to TellyIF after manual mounting

    hi, thanks very much for the reply. Sorry to be slow; are you saying that the GPT disk indeed ought to be mounted automatically, on insertion, via the discovery hook? Or merely that the insertion hook allows the CF to show the external disk icon, allowing for manual mounting when it is clicked...
  2. cdmackay

    GPT USB disk not automatically mounting; not accessible to TellyIF after manual mounting

    hi all, apologies if this is an FAQ: I searched both here, and in the CF wiki, and found many related posts, but couldn't find answers to the following; apols if I missed them. My friend has a 2TB external USB drive. It has a GPT partition table, with a single partition, with an ext3 filesystem...
  3. cdmackay

    loss of RF input

    Good point but no, the aerial is much newer; I had a wide(r)-band aerial fitted when our previous aerial stopped working as Sandy Heath changed UHF channels. I don't recall the cable being changed at the same time (sadly). The aerial is probably 10–15 years old, the cable could be 40, or more.
  4. cdmackay

    loss of RF input

    thanks again, all. I wondered about replacing the module(s), but obviously if I have to buy a T2 to get them, I might as well just replace the T2 entirely, especially now we can replace its encryption key via the CF, so my not-decrypted recordings may still be viewed on it. I think I have a...
  5. cdmackay

    Remote Scheduling for Foxsat-HDR Now Available

    man man? :) [more seriously: the original unix came with notes, which noted that every command had a man page, which described it, and you use the man command to access those. and it was a tiny community, where every user got their copy direct from the inventors] I think the following is as...
  6. cdmackay

    Cropped .TS Won't Play on Smart TV

    Possibly by coincidence, I found yesterday that a cropped T2 TS file wouldn't play properly with Kodi; it played, but not for long, with a terrible colour cast. Unfortunately, I deleted the original, so can't say if that had the same problem. But I use Kodi to view my archive of T2 recordings...
  7. cdmackay

    Remote Scheduling for Foxsat-HDR Now Available

    Also, if you're redirecting a single file's contents, e.g. to a program, you don't need to use cat at all. i.e. instead of: cat file-in | prog > file-out you can write: prog < file-in > file-out that might explain why it was called cat, since with the above you'd not use it for single...
  8. cdmackay

    Remote Scheduling for Foxsat-HDR Now Available

    yup, and that's why it was called concatenate, which means linking things together. In this sense, sending all the files given on the cmdline (even if just one file) to stdout, linked together (i.e. one after the other with no break), whether or not that "standard output" is redirected to a...
  9. cdmackay

    loss of RF input

    Yes, good point, thanks. And I'm not. Which reminds me to put coupler-connectors on the 4 cables from the LNB on our dish, to protect the two FoxSat Humaxen from the same fate, if their cables ever spring a leak, too. thanks again!
  10. cdmackay

    loss of RF input

    The connectors on the outside may have some air corrosion, very slight; with the eye, as opposed to a close-up pic, they look fine. The output connector looks the same, and it's never had a wet (or dry) cable connected to it. Yes, I'm amazed it was working fine a few days ago, with all that rust!
  11. cdmackay

    loss of RF input

    Yup :) I will keep the Humax, for playback, and for spares (other than RF input), as I think I have another somewhere. But I need to get the aerial cable sorted first. I'll go with an aerial socket plate on the wall, too, which will protect against this sort of nonsense in the future; well, so...
  12. cdmackay

    Remote Scheduling for Foxsat-HDR Now Available

    It's called concatenate since it's often used to do that with multiple files: cat file1 file2 file3 […] > bigfile
  13. cdmackay

    loss of RF input

    sigh. see pics: https://www.amazon.co.uk/photos/share/JCiSogCSJ1PZdJvow8vIzpUzJGzuxMIujMl3WxGeYWs no sign of water damage on the outside, i.e. the RF connectors, but… what's that orange stuff on the main board, around the RF IN daughter-board? And doesn't that daughter-board look like it's...
  14. cdmackay

    loss of RF input

    thanks both. gotcha! glass: nice idea, better than blotting paper.