Recent content by Chicanery86

  1. C

    [rs] Remote Scheduling Portal

    Yes in retrospect should of installed it on humax as opposed to on pc which has died...
  2. C

    [rs] Remote Scheduling Portal

    Feature request, would it be possible to display the ip of my humax box within the rs portal? In the absence of a suitable DDNS client it would help me by allow me remoting into my own box
  3. C

    [progbackup] Backing everything up

    The symptom was that each pass through unencrypt simply did nothing, despite the existance of encrypted files within a subdirectory of a subdirectory of the specified location given to unencryptsetup. I manually inspected the dmd_cds.db which appeared to be valid. I have reverted my change ...
  4. C

    [progbackup] Backing everything up

    At present it appears to assume that there is only one level of subdirectories under the directory specified with unencrypt setup in my case that's /mnt/hd2/My Video. My directory structure is as follows -> denotes a subdirectories My Video My Video->Archive My Video->Archive->Drama My...
  5. C

    [progbackup] Backing everything up

    Progbackup is working fine with the ntfs-3G mounted drives There is a one character tweak for the unencrypt script required to support nested folders under the directory to be backed up. Namely insertion of a wild card * after $targetpath to widen the match for nested subdirectories.
  6. C

    [progbackup] Backing everything up

    Nice script Sam, Finding it not recognising locally attached USB drives due to it grepping for /media/drive whereas my WD Passports mounted as NTFS3 automatically mount as /media/usb-drive. I appreciate that for your original purpose of emergency recovery that wasn't an issue, would be nice...