Recent content by Dinosaur

  1. Dinosaur

    Overlay on

    @Trev, you probably don't want to know that the Debian team, as well as numbering their major releases, give them a name from Toy Story. I have not the slightest idea who Buster is in Toy Story.
  2. Dinosaur

    Overlay on

    In Chrome Version 78.0.3904.108 (Official Build) (64-bit) under Debian 10 (buster), the twitter feed overlays the main text. In Firefox 68.2.0esr (64-bit) all is ok. I was tempted not to report this and use Chrome (except when looking at the top of the page) as it all comes out bigger and...
  3. Dinosaur

    rsync push to humax stalling

    I'm looking at how to set swapsize via settings on the webif. I've worked part of the story, nut I'm wondering if there is a how to available somewhere. I'm not asking someone to write one, nut it would save me a bit of time not to have to re-invent the wheel.
  4. Dinosaur

    rsync push to humax stalling

    I thought I did. Doh!
  5. Dinosaur

    rsync push to humax stalling

    Noting the comments of @ldf, I've had another go, based more closely on on @prpr's enhanced version. Caters for HD and HDR I've made the swapfile size configurable (the easy way) Separate default values for HD and HDR, 256MiB and 1024MiB respectively. Swapfile deleted at stop for HD Swapfile...
  6. Dinosaur

    rsync push to humax stalling

    I've changed it to swapoff any active swap file before removing it. #!/bin/sh set +x ########### /mod/etc/init.d/S00swapper ########### # size of swapspace in MiB. swapsize=1024 swappref='/mnt/hd3/.swap' swapfile="$swappref$swapsize" [ "`cat /etc/model`" = "HDR" ] || exit 0 case "$1" in...
  7. Dinosaur

    rsync push to humax stalling

    It should only delay startup the first time it runs. The bit which takes the time is the dd filling the file with nulls. This only needs to run once for each new size. This doesn't apply, as the usual delay is minimal. On the HDR the swap file seems to be the only file on a 10GiB...
  8. Dinosaur

    rsync push to humax stalling

    Success. rsync has survived a recording. Can I suggest a change to the next release to increase the size of the swap file.
  9. Dinosaur

    rsync push to humax stalling

    Not quite all. I would still need to delete the old swap file. Anyway, my way was simple too.
  10. Dinosaur

    rsync push to humax stalling

    Just killed 2 birds with 1 stone. I have increased swap space successfully. top - 17:52:57 up 25 min, 1 user, load average: 2.06, 2.12, 1.35 Tasks: 65 total, 2 running, 63 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s): 6.5%us, 8.6%sy, 50.5%ni, 20.2%id, 10.9%wa, 0.0%hi, 3.3%si, 0.0%st...
  11. Dinosaur

    rsync push to humax stalling

    Yes, I do, but only 128M. I'll try 1GiB.
  12. Dinosaur

    rsync push to humax stalling

    Looks like out of memory on the humax. I didn't realise how little memory it has, until I checked. So rsync was probably the victim of oom. I notce that rsync on the humax runs with a niceness of 10, like most taskd, as against 0 for humaxtv and more important stuff. Don't think it's worth...
  13. Dinosaur

    rsync push to humax stalling

    No, I'm not using a daemon on either end, nor am I using a Windows share. rsync on the pi is connecting using ssh to run rsync om the fox. I'm using something like ssh -vvzrst <source dir>/ root@192.168.x.x:'/mnt/sd2.My Video' So, I'm using push rather than pull and no daemon. I realise that...
  14. Dinosaur

    rsync push to humax stalling

    Having replaced a failing 1GB hard disk with a 2GB one, I did not expect to be able to recover anything from the old disk. I was pleasantly surprised to be able to copy most of it to some spare space attached to a Raspberry Pi 4B. So, now, after some re-organisation, I am s l o w l y using...