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    • J90nty
      J90nty replied to the thread Random factory resets.
      Observation (as such): since removing the DisableOTA package I've not experienced a reset in the last month. Undelete and IR I still...
    • J90nty
      J90nty replied to the thread Random factory resets.
      Afternoon. I bought my replacement HDD in January 2017 so it's all been running since then - and happily too. I use CFW 3.13 (build...
    • J90nty
      J90nty replied to the thread Random factory resets.
      You can be advised that I've never had to play with the fix-flash-packages tool, actually. Bar this reset oddity, the only issue I've...
    • J90nty
      J90nty replied to the thread Random factory resets.
      Evening. Thanks for the responses. I'm grateful. Plus I feel somewhat silly! I should have just looked through some of the post...
    • J90nty
      Good afternoon. First post here. Please forgive my noob-ness. I tried using the Search tool but with little success. Happy for...
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