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    • J
      jpberry56 replied to the thread No access to Webif.
      Fantastic, thanks all. I'm back up and running and can access the WebIf.. Much appreciated.
    • J
      jpberry56 reacted to prpr's post in the thread No access to Webif with Like Like.
      Don't format the disk. You don't need to and it saves loads of time pointlessly copying. The key doesn't change. Just do this:
    • J
      jpberry56 replied to the thread No access to Webif.
      OK really grateful of your help so far. I'll progress with the instructions from BH and see how I get on. Before I do that, can I copy...
    • J
      jpberry56 replied to the thread No access to Webif.
      I've done the fixweb and I get:- Removing package webif from root... Installing webif (1.5.3) to root... Downloading xxxxx...
    • J
      jpberry56 replied to the thread No access to Webif.
      Hi yes that works, tell me :- Welcome to Jim version 0.82
    • J
      jpberry56 replied to the thread No access to Webif.
      Morning, i tried the short route (diag ss/fix) which gave the following :- humax# diag ssl/fix Running: ssl/fix Connecting to hpkg.tv...
    • J
      I've been having problems with my Humax lately, no access to the Webif and unable to playback some recordings. Having read many useful...
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