Recent content by ShaunHH

  1. S

    standby from shell command

    :-) Need to do an update - can't keep up! Thanks!
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    standby from shell command

    Thanks for that - works perfectly!
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    standby from shell command

    Hi all, I have a quick question... Is it possible to put the humax into standby via telnet/terminal command? thanks
  4. S

    Updating crontab using the crontab -e command (vim)

    thanks - a couple of areas to investigate there :thumbsup:
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    Updating crontab using the crontab -e command (vim)

    Thanks - I meant the "proper" way When using Linux terminal. The usual way of editing a crontab is to issue the "crontab -e " command :)
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    Updating crontab using the crontab -e command (vim)

    LOL - fair point :) It's strange - this never really occured to me... handy!
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    Updating crontab using the crontab -e command (vim)

    Hi All, I've got a question for any linux gurus out there... I've never been able to edit my crontab file using the standard crontab -e command. What happens is that when I issue the crontab -e command the crontab file gets loaded into vim, but when I save and exit I get the following...
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    Optimising Power Consumption

    Bad news is that the extra 20w isn't putting the heat where I need it really - If I had a longer network lead I could put the the Humax in my bed to warm my feet :)
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    Optimising Power Consumption

    That's great - Thanks!
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    Optimising Power Consumption

    Never returned anything though - so the mystery continues... 🤔
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    Optimising Power Consumption

    Thanks for that - looks like an interesting path to investigate.
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    Optimising Power Consumption

    Hi all, Sorry - posted this previously on FreeSat forum by mistake.. Trying to reduce Electricity costs, I've been going around my house with my plug in power meter looking at power consumption of my different devices. I've realised that my Humax doesn't seem to go into Standby . I've...
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    Guidance on backups

    Everything is working fine now - many thanks for your help
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    Guidance on backups

    Mind you, I can copy the /mod/bin/tar file to gtar, set the execute permisson and then typing gtar at the terminal works :-) Maybe a bit clunky though - I guess there must be some way of overriding the busybox version.
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    Guidance on backups

    No doesn't seem to be... If I type gtar nothing.. If I type tar, I get BusyBox v1.20.2 (2013-01-02 19:13:09 GMT) multi-call binary. typing which tar gives /mod/bin/tar and I can run it directly (and this is gnu version it seems...) but how to overidde the default tar command?