Recent content by skilleter

  1. skilleter

    Remote Scheduling Has Stopped Working

    Thanks for the help, I'll have a go at updating my box when I have time, although it seems to be working fine now with the 'usSvcid' to 'usSvcId' change (though I wouldn't be surprised if the next update breaks it again)
  2. skilleter

    Remote Scheduling Has Stopped Working

    Update: Found instructions from a post here from July last year suggesting a bug in the rs package that could be fixed by editing /mod/sbin/rs_process at lines 180, 191 and 202 to change 'usSvcid' to 'usSvcId'. This seems to have worked, or at least rs_process now works correctly from the CLI...
  3. skilleter

    Remote Scheduling Has Stopped Working

    Apologies - my first post and I'm not familiar with the markup syntax.
  4. skilleter

    Remote Scheduling Has Stopped Working

    Hi, Remote scheduling has recently stopped working - recording are not being scheduled on the box and the web interface shows a list of queued auto-schedule commands including some in the past. The 'last seen' message at the top of says that box was last seen just a few minutes ago...