Recent content by Swifty

  1. Swifty

    How to search EPG for all movies in the future

    I thought the EPG in the FoxSat was poor, and couldn't get worse. Now I know how wrong I was... Thanks for confirming my fears. Out of interest, is there any online TV guide that would allow me to scan the Freesat channels for films in the next week (or two, if possible)? Even better would be...
  2. Swifty

    How to search EPG for all movies in the future

    My Foxsat HDR developed a terminal fault (stuck on one channel, neither remote nor device buttons work, no video/audio sent to the TV, power off and reboot didn't help) so I've bought an HDR-1000S/1Tb. I'm struggling with the EPG. In the Foxsat, I'd press the blue button to search the EPG...