I used to install IRS, I've connected many sat receivers live, its not a problem.
I did come across a customers set where the voltage on the aerial socket gave a really nasty bite, clearly not a well designed TV in that case, in that install we were combining LAN and feeds on the same plate...
Its not static, by regulation TV power supply's must be split to a live side and a output side such that there is no direct connection between the 2, this is normally done through transformer action. This means in the absence of an earth to the output side it will 'float' at half mains. Signal...
Isn't that placed there just out of safety concerns, TV's of old often had the aerial socket at half mains potential due to power supply design and all aerials are subject to lightning strikes, especially if placed within an attic for some reason.
Thanks BH.
The 'engineer' did eventually come, said the loss of the mux in the rain was just due to signal deterioration due to the rain! What rubbish. He did fiddle with the system aerial to improve things but said he couldn't get it better as the signal in the area was very poor quality...
I agree except last time this happened to me had to do 2 reboots before everything got back. You do need to remember some box settings, though.
Check the schedule in the webif.
I detailed here https://hummy.tv/forum/threads/backing-up-the-webif-settings.9032/post-127497 what files could potentially be backed up and to some extent, what they do.
We're on a IRS and yesterday I noted 1 mux was down (indicated in the box menu) yet the diag entry did not reflect that, today there are 2 mux down and the diag entry remains the same!
When does the entry update itself?
It would be useful so I could show the engineer when he comes especially...
When I did this I found the fastest way was to connect to both with PC, then open one in a FTP folder, the other in Samba and just drag to copy between the two. That was using Linux but windows should be the same.
You will need to decrypt the files before transferring them otherwise they wont play.
Same method I use.
The minimum reserve price on ebay is £50 which makes bidding pointless sometimes.
I see some have the habit these days to submit multiple bids at the same time, I suppose in the hope they might save a few pence on minimum bid price if they win, what they don't know is...
The series Watership Down (Broadcast 22/23 December 2018) was recorded and then not deleted from the schedule, now I find the box is recording Wanted Down Under based on the same scheduled item! The CRID is SCRID:/X48O83
Is this usual? why would the BBC re-use a CRID so quickly?
I would say yes, the firmware cannot be changed on later models.
Last time I looked working HDR Fox T2 were bid to about £60-£70, a bit cheaper if no remote.
My prefered tool for Winducks is MinTool Partition Wizard (available free), use that and it will immediatly tell you if the drive is in GPT or MBR setup and allow switching between. This has NOT to with formatting.
Seeing as they can't even afford to have the like of BBC4 HD working nationwide due to government cuts, I can't see them extending other services.
I used to work as a broadcast engineer and believe me some are unable to see defects in a picture unless its pointed out to them, on the other hand...
I have similar trouble with my Mum, I sorted a foxsat for her (she's in France) and took her through everything when I was last there, yet the other day she phones and asks how she can see her recordings, she presses schedule but it won't show them! I was forewarned though, when I first gave her...
I`ve already done this for the webif, not yet posted solution though as intended to do it with the others in the thread https://hummy.tv/forum/threads/webif-tweaks-changes-to-the-epg.9039/
but the change is pretty straightforward:
--- epg_search_orig 2019-01-05 14:15:39.161805600 +0000
I used to install IRS, I've connected many sat receivers live, its not a problem.
I did come across a customers set where the voltage on the aerial socket gave a really nasty bite, clearly not a well designed TV in that case, in that install we were combining LAN and feeds on the same plate...
Its not static, by regulation TV power supply's must be split to a live side and a output side such that there is no direct connection between the 2, this is normally done through transformer action. This means in the absence of an earth to the output side it will 'float' at half mains. Signal...
Isn't that placed there just out of safety concerns, TV's of old often had the aerial socket at half mains potential due to power supply design and all aerials are subject to lightning strikes, especially if placed within an attic for some reason.
Thanks BH.
The 'engineer' did eventually come, said the loss of the mux in the rain was just due to signal deterioration due to the rain! What rubbish. He did fiddle with the system aerial to improve things but said he couldn't get it better as the signal in the area was very poor quality...
I agree except last time this happened to me had to do 2 reboots before everything got back. You do need to remember some box settings, though.
Check the schedule in the webif.
I detailed here https://hummy.tv/forum/threads/backing-up-the-webif-settings.9032/post-127497 what files could potentially be backed up and to some extent, what they do.
We're on a IRS and yesterday I noted 1 mux was down (indicated in the box menu) yet the diag entry did not reflect that, today there are 2 mux down and the diag entry remains the same!
When does the entry update itself?
It would be useful so I could show the engineer when he comes especially...
When I did this I found the fastest way was to connect to both with PC, then open one in a FTP folder, the other in Samba and just drag to copy between the two. That was using Linux but windows should be the same.
You will need to decrypt the files before transferring them otherwise they wont play.
Same method I use.
The minimum reserve price on ebay is £50 which makes bidding pointless sometimes.
I see some have the habit these days to submit multiple bids at the same time, I suppose in the hope they might save a few pence on minimum bid price if they win, what they don't know is...
The series Watership Down (Broadcast 22/23 December 2018) was recorded and then not deleted from the schedule, now I find the box is recording Wanted Down Under based on the same scheduled item! The CRID is SCRID:/X48O83
Is this usual? why would the BBC re-use a CRID so quickly?
I would say yes, the firmware cannot be changed on later models.
Last time I looked working HDR Fox T2 were bid to about £60-£70, a bit cheaper if no remote.
My prefered tool for Winducks is MinTool Partition Wizard (available free), use that and it will immediatly tell you if the drive is in GPT or MBR setup and allow switching between. This has NOT to with formatting.
Seeing as they can't even afford to have the like of BBC4 HD working nationwide due to government cuts, I can't see them extending other services.
I used to work as a broadcast engineer and believe me some are unable to see defects in a picture unless its pointed out to them, on the other hand...
I have similar trouble with my Mum, I sorted a foxsat for her (she's in France) and took her through everything when I was last there, yet the other day she phones and asks how she can see her recordings, she presses schedule but it won't show them! I was forewarned though, when I first gave her...
I`ve already done this for the webif, not yet posted solution though as intended to do it with the others in the thread https://hummy.tv/forum/threads/webif-tweaks-changes-to-the-epg.9039/
but the change is pretty straightforward:
--- epg_search_orig 2019-01-05 14:15:39.161805600 +0000
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