Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I've still not run fixdisk but do plan to do so although from what you say it won't fix bad sectors. Would a re format do anything?
As I (thought) I understood it - a sector can be marked bad if there is a read / write error detected. HD repair utilities...
Like the banter people.
Here's the warning.
I'll try fixdisk tonight - would a reformat be any use?
With regards a new box I do feel the reason for a recorder is almost becoming redundant. I may be lucky but live in a very rural area (about 3 miles from my local village exchange) and get...
Thanks all - I'm not sticking my head in the sand really but have no issues with the Humax at all. It all works perfectly (apart from hdmi handshake on switch on which has happened ever since I changed my telly - have to go through the power off and back on routine sometimes). I guess when it...
Thanks everyone. I do in fact already have auto schedule restore installed I just wanted belt and braces.
"Acknowledge any current disk faults" does not remove the red warning.
From experience can anyone tell me roughly how long fixdisk should take? I'm thinking of running it over night (if...
Hello all - is there any way to get rid of the red hard disk failing warning?? It's been showing over a year but I have no problems with the PVR. It's position covers up menus and is preventing me backing up my schedule before I do a retune. Can I disable disk diagnostics somehow? Or could...
Ahhhhaaaaaa - it's been moved and is now covered by my ******** hard disk warning. Tried the disk fixes in the past but still get the message which I can't get rid of. Never have any problem with the Humax though ?????????
Hello all - can anyone tell me where the backup and restore feature has gone from the webif. Want to do a retune. I used to do a manual backup and then restore after retune. ????????? Just seen I've got Auto Schedule restore installed as a package is that why it's gone from webif??
thanks af123 - will give that a go and feed back. Got an evenings viewing lined up so wouldn't be popular doing this just now!!
Will let you know in due course.
Thanks Blackhole.
In first instant used restart now in the webif. Then tried power off on the remote (waited for HD click). Then tried power off on remote AND power off with switch and restart.
Still no schedule??
It shows them in the pending. Nothing shown under scheduled.
Hadn't spotted that - what does it mean??
Raw database for pending has data.
Raw database for scheduled no data.
The backup I'm using shows information in the view data.
Hello everyone. Decided it was time I did a retune. Backed up schedule using webif. Retuned and of course lost schedule. Restored my backup and rebooted. No schedule in Humax but webif shows schedule. Repeated several times with different backups to no avail. Any suggestions apart from...
You can use an old bt home hub to do this. Bt sent me a new hub so I have the old one connected to a Comtrend ethernet over mains. I then have my HDR T2 connected to one of the hubs ethernet ports. The hub also acts as a wireless repeater. As an aside and off topic the old hubs have a print...
I too have this problem with an LG set. Try changing channels and then turning off with the remote and then quickly back on again. I have also found that turning on by pressing just a channel button works 90% of the time. Mine also seems to go through spasms of working perfectly and then...
Well it's 5 days since I last posted and in that time have had no issues with my hummy. In the best tradition of "if it aint broke don't fix it" I think I'll just carry on untill it dies.
Thanks to everyone who's contributed.
Once again thanks everyone for your input. Having read through the Disk installation blog here and here am I right in assuming that installing a 1Tb HD (I don't think I need larger) would be as simple as...
Hello all - have been doing some digging on the netty.
Am I right in thinking that once the SMART status has been set to FAIL by the HD itself there's now't you can do about it other than change the drive. Reformatting won't clear the failed tag. Does line 190 above (190...
Thanks everyone.
Performed native HDD Test - failed instantly without appearing to do anything.
Message reads " HDD Test Fail. You may recover the HDD through Format Storage ( Error Code 5 )"
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I've still not run fixdisk but do plan to do so although from what you say it won't fix bad sectors. Would a re format do anything?
As I (thought) I understood it - a sector can be marked bad if there is a read / write error detected. HD repair utilities...
Like the banter people.
Here's the warning.
I'll try fixdisk tonight - would a reformat be any use?
With regards a new box I do feel the reason for a recorder is almost becoming redundant. I may be lucky but live in a very rural area (about 3 miles from my local village exchange) and get...
Thanks all - I'm not sticking my head in the sand really but have no issues with the Humax at all. It all works perfectly (apart from hdmi handshake on switch on which has happened ever since I changed my telly - have to go through the power off and back on routine sometimes). I guess when it...
Thanks everyone. I do in fact already have auto schedule restore installed I just wanted belt and braces.
"Acknowledge any current disk faults" does not remove the red warning.
From experience can anyone tell me roughly how long fixdisk should take? I'm thinking of running it over night (if...
Hello all - is there any way to get rid of the red hard disk failing warning?? It's been showing over a year but I have no problems with the PVR. It's position covers up menus and is preventing me backing up my schedule before I do a retune. Can I disable disk diagnostics somehow? Or could...
Ahhhhaaaaaa - it's been moved and is now covered by my ******** hard disk warning. Tried the disk fixes in the past but still get the message which I can't get rid of. Never have any problem with the Humax though ?????????
Hello all - can anyone tell me where the backup and restore feature has gone from the webif. Want to do a retune. I used to do a manual backup and then restore after retune. ????????? Just seen I've got Auto Schedule restore installed as a package is that why it's gone from webif??
thanks af123 - will give that a go and feed back. Got an evenings viewing lined up so wouldn't be popular doing this just now!!
Will let you know in due course.
Thanks Blackhole.
In first instant used restart now in the webif. Then tried power off on the remote (waited for HD click). Then tried power off on remote AND power off with switch and restart.
Still no schedule??
It shows them in the pending. Nothing shown under scheduled.
Hadn't spotted that - what does it mean??
Raw database for pending has data.
Raw database for scheduled no data.
The backup I'm using shows information in the view data.
Hello everyone. Decided it was time I did a retune. Backed up schedule using webif. Retuned and of course lost schedule. Restored my backup and rebooted. No schedule in Humax but webif shows schedule. Repeated several times with different backups to no avail. Any suggestions apart from...
You can use an old bt home hub to do this. Bt sent me a new hub so I have the old one connected to a Comtrend ethernet over mains. I then have my HDR T2 connected to one of the hubs ethernet ports. The hub also acts as a wireless repeater. As an aside and off topic the old hubs have a print...
I too have this problem with an LG set. Try changing channels and then turning off with the remote and then quickly back on again. I have also found that turning on by pressing just a channel button works 90% of the time. Mine also seems to go through spasms of working perfectly and then...
Well it's 5 days since I last posted and in that time have had no issues with my hummy. In the best tradition of "if it aint broke don't fix it" I think I'll just carry on untill it dies.
Thanks to everyone who's contributed.
Once again thanks everyone for your input. Having read through the Disk installation blog here and here am I right in assuming that installing a 1Tb HD (I don't think I need larger) would be as simple as...
Hello all - have been doing some digging on the netty.
Am I right in thinking that once the SMART status has been set to FAIL by the HD itself there's now't you can do about it other than change the drive. Reformatting won't clear the failed tag. Does line 190 above (190...
Thanks everyone.
Performed native HDD Test - failed instantly without appearing to do anything.
Message reads " HDD Test Fail. You may recover the HDD through Format Storage ( Error Code 5 )"
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