Not unexpectedly, the thread with the SEGV has crashed as a result of some unknown code path transferring control into some random location which causes an invalid memory access when executed as code. In turn, that may have been caused by yet another piece of code overwriting or miscalculating a...
Example: if a string contained some HTML entity like &#f6; (lowercase o umlaut), the affected PHP code would formerly convert the hex value to int with no need to extract the hex digits first. Since it's PHP, no-one can tell what attempting to convert the equivalent HTML5 entity ö would do...
Not as I recall, but it was long time ago, and I didn't exercise it much.
What appears to happen is that the settop program somehow crashes some stored database(s). The box may carry on apparently working, but with certain weirdnesses. On restarting you may have to retune (presumably the...
if there would be apparent duplicates as in the (?) mock-up, could the more specific DVB headings be in a tooltip (or otherwise made visible), when available?
There's some trickery needed to get the Favourite group names to stick. It seems that you can restore them after restoring the groups and restarting but not in a single operation, as observed by OP.
The version that worked for a few milliseconds yesterday needs this patch in case it sees YT JS player b12cc44b. Expect the patch to be rolled into a commit later today and new nightly version 2024.08.07, all being well. Maybe we need a ClownStrike-style code injector that bypasses the build and...
So it does. Looking at the file I got with opkg download youtube-dl, the extractor (updated in the master repo on 1 August PM to fix the problem) in lib/python2.7/dist-packages/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/extractor/ is still showing 2024-07-25, @prpr.
It seems to work for me on my...
This is really a question solved by RTFM.
Basically, the default format selection in the base product, when not piping the output, is bestvideo+bestaudio/best; the matching stream(s) are downloaded and, if necessary and as long as ffmpeg is available, merged; retention of intermediate files is...
If you set show data in a folder from TheTVDB, shouldn't it/they propagate to all subfolders that don't have such data, so that you can apply the data to all season/series subfolders? Currently you'd have to do this separately for each one.
The Package Management>Upgrades display doesn't dim out a package that was installed as a dependency, which is not a serious problem but a bit clunky: the user can update a package and the display is updated with no actual package update.
If it's easy to detect which packages were installed...
Not unexpectedly, the thread with the SEGV has crashed as a result of some unknown code path transferring control into some random location which causes an invalid memory access when executed as code. In turn, that may have been caused by yet another piece of code overwriting or miscalculating a...
Example: if a string contained some HTML entity like &#f6; (lowercase o umlaut), the affected PHP code would formerly convert the hex value to int with no need to extract the hex digits first. Since it's PHP, no-one can tell what attempting to convert the equivalent HTML5 entity ö would do...
Not as I recall, but it was long time ago, and I didn't exercise it much.
What appears to happen is that the settop program somehow crashes some stored database(s). The box may carry on apparently working, but with certain weirdnesses. On restarting you may have to retune (presumably the...
if there would be apparent duplicates as in the (?) mock-up, could the more specific DVB headings be in a tooltip (or otherwise made visible), when available?
There's some trickery needed to get the Favourite group names to stick. It seems that you can restore them after restoring the groups and restarting but not in a single operation, as observed by OP.
The version that worked for a few milliseconds yesterday needs this patch in case it sees YT JS player b12cc44b. Expect the patch to be rolled into a commit later today and new nightly version 2024.08.07, all being well. Maybe we need a ClownStrike-style code injector that bypasses the build and...
So it does. Looking at the file I got with opkg download youtube-dl, the extractor (updated in the master repo on 1 August PM to fix the problem) in lib/python2.7/dist-packages/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/extractor/ is still showing 2024-07-25, @prpr.
It seems to work for me on my...
This is really a question solved by RTFM.
Basically, the default format selection in the base product, when not piping the output, is bestvideo+bestaudio/best; the matching stream(s) are downloaded and, if necessary and as long as ffmpeg is available, merged; retention of intermediate files is...
If you set show data in a folder from TheTVDB, shouldn't it/they propagate to all subfolders that don't have such data, so that you can apply the data to all season/series subfolders? Currently you'd have to do this separately for each one.
The Package Management>Upgrades display doesn't dim out a package that was installed as a dependency, which is not a serious problem but a bit clunky: the user can update a package and the display is updated with no actual package update.
If it's easy to detect which packages were installed...
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