It was more the general information on the shape of the partitions and filesystem was interesting. I'd be more likely to do any sort of procedure like that with the disk(s) plugged into a Linux desktop than natively on a Hummy. Especially as that blog's solution to copying the old drive's...
But ddrescue's detection of some bad sectors proves the old disk was dying, and now I have a (hopefully) healthy "new" disk. So the failing HW issue is resolved. But yes, I am in exactly the same position capacity-wise when I could have more... but that's not a big deal and not the issue which...
OK... bit the bullet!!! What prompted action was glitches while simultaneously recording and playing back something else last night. Clearly not a transient problem or transmitter trouble or something.
Opening the box and getting the drive out... yes, OK, it was easy! Only squeaky bum moment...
Hmmm... recording issues seem to have gone away. Recently recorded stuff has been completely glitch free. Possibly contributing factors were the glitchy recordings had overlapping record times (which must stress the disk more, recording 2 streams) and the box was down to less than 10GByte...
It's OK... this is a Linux household (several desktops and laptops). ext3/4 is the normal order of things round here....
Is fixdisk the same as fsck? Or does fixdisk does more/different things? (Cleanup of Hummy-specific data that fsck knows nothing about, for example). It would indeed...
Oh Dear... I've recently noticed our Fox T2 has been exhibiting "dropouts" in some recent recordings. It's vaguely reminiscent enough of the problems back in (good grief almost a decade ago... no wonder the system might...
Oooh... just noticed - while cleaning up old browser tabs - the BBC page for the issue - - now says
* November 2020 * ... This has now been resolved and you should be able to use these BBC apps as you could before. For...
Well I have to admit I finally cracked and bought one of the latest generation Chromecasts (the older ones are dirt cheap now, but the lack of a remote put me off). Pretty neat, and iPlayer now considerably more snappy. Once we've caught up with some things on that there's 6 months of bundled...
Is it something at the BBC end which is rejecting an obsolete certificate, or something at the Humax end? (If the latter, is there any way of setting the clock back and fooling it? Not that remember ever having to set the clock on it... assumed it was just something which is just broadcast...
I see the BBC updated their page on the issue yesterday... and it now includes a link to which says
Issues with BBC iPlayer on all Humax devices
We have become aware of an issue affecting free to air customers with Humax...
Yes, that's another thing drives me nuts. The page I am usually trying to get to is the "search" one, mainly because it remembers what I've last searched for and watched... but also because tediously keying in a programme name there is actually less painful than trying to find it on the other...
Thanks. This is interesting... hadn't realized that big change was a major shift to HTML5/browser tech (what was it before? Flash? Native software?) Can see that move would make sense... but it would also explain how the performance fell off a cliff for a humble system.
The only...
I'm completely oblivious to the iplayer architecture, and which bits are actually run by the BBC/ISPs/box vendors etc. I do remember being quite surprised by some big change to iPlayer on the Humax (that must be years ago now) which changed it from being basic but pretty usable to looking...
... and it also raises the question why, having trashed functionality for presumably quite a lot of people, they can't/don't just roll back whatever change caused it and we can all get back to it working like it used to until a smoother migration path to wherever they're trying to get to is...
On the iPlayer issue (which persists... just tried it again): I see the BBC now have a page up at indicating (apparently dated as of today) that they're aware that "People have reported seeing a 'Something went wrong...
Still getting the same "Something went wrong loading this programme. This is usually a temporary problem." issue this morning, even after a power cycle. Any ideas how long "temporary" typically is? Can anything be done to clear it?
A Chromecast is something I've been pondering for a while...
Have been using iPlayer on our Humax quite a bit recently (including just yesterday Sunday evening). A clunky experience these days compared with using via web-browser on a laptop... but it's still the easiest way of getting something on iPlayer shown on our telly compared with fiddling around...
That must have been it. I remember not getting far down it before I found a "Can I skip adverts: No" and bailing out but I see now there's been some clarification of that situation (2nd post there) which was presumably rolled back into the original post.
Googling turns up quite a bit of...
Was just reading it. Interesting, but I'm absolutely amazed there is zero mention of ad-skipping functionality and behaviour. I mean take
for example. I can assure you I value the ability to skip forward over a minute or two of ads at least as highly as I do pause and back. I suspect "an...
It was more the general information on the shape of the partitions and filesystem was interesting. I'd be more likely to do any sort of procedure like that with the disk(s) plugged into a Linux desktop than natively on a Hummy. Especially as that blog's solution to copying the old drive's...
But ddrescue's detection of some bad sectors proves the old disk was dying, and now I have a (hopefully) healthy "new" disk. So the failing HW issue is resolved. But yes, I am in exactly the same position capacity-wise when I could have more... but that's not a big deal and not the issue which...
OK... bit the bullet!!! What prompted action was glitches while simultaneously recording and playing back something else last night. Clearly not a transient problem or transmitter trouble or something.
Opening the box and getting the drive out... yes, OK, it was easy! Only squeaky bum moment...
Hmmm... recording issues seem to have gone away. Recently recorded stuff has been completely glitch free. Possibly contributing factors were the glitchy recordings had overlapping record times (which must stress the disk more, recording 2 streams) and the box was down to less than 10GByte...
It's OK... this is a Linux household (several desktops and laptops). ext3/4 is the normal order of things round here....
Is fixdisk the same as fsck? Or does fixdisk does more/different things? (Cleanup of Hummy-specific data that fsck knows nothing about, for example). It would indeed...
Oh Dear... I've recently noticed our Fox T2 has been exhibiting "dropouts" in some recent recordings. It's vaguely reminiscent enough of the problems back in (good grief almost a decade ago... no wonder the system might...
Oooh... just noticed - while cleaning up old browser tabs - the BBC page for the issue - - now says
* November 2020 * ... This has now been resolved and you should be able to use these BBC apps as you could before. For...
Well I have to admit I finally cracked and bought one of the latest generation Chromecasts (the older ones are dirt cheap now, but the lack of a remote put me off). Pretty neat, and iPlayer now considerably more snappy. Once we've caught up with some things on that there's 6 months of bundled...
Is it something at the BBC end which is rejecting an obsolete certificate, or something at the Humax end? (If the latter, is there any way of setting the clock back and fooling it? Not that remember ever having to set the clock on it... assumed it was just something which is just broadcast...
I see the BBC updated their page on the issue yesterday... and it now includes a link to which says
Issues with BBC iPlayer on all Humax devices
We have become aware of an issue affecting free to air customers with Humax...
Yes, that's another thing drives me nuts. The page I am usually trying to get to is the "search" one, mainly because it remembers what I've last searched for and watched... but also because tediously keying in a programme name there is actually less painful than trying to find it on the other...
Thanks. This is interesting... hadn't realized that big change was a major shift to HTML5/browser tech (what was it before? Flash? Native software?) Can see that move would make sense... but it would also explain how the performance fell off a cliff for a humble system.
The only...
I'm completely oblivious to the iplayer architecture, and which bits are actually run by the BBC/ISPs/box vendors etc. I do remember being quite surprised by some big change to iPlayer on the Humax (that must be years ago now) which changed it from being basic but pretty usable to looking...
... and it also raises the question why, having trashed functionality for presumably quite a lot of people, they can't/don't just roll back whatever change caused it and we can all get back to it working like it used to until a smoother migration path to wherever they're trying to get to is...
On the iPlayer issue (which persists... just tried it again): I see the BBC now have a page up at indicating (apparently dated as of today) that they're aware that "People have reported seeing a 'Something went wrong...
Still getting the same "Something went wrong loading this programme. This is usually a temporary problem." issue this morning, even after a power cycle. Any ideas how long "temporary" typically is? Can anything be done to clear it?
A Chromecast is something I've been pondering for a while...
Have been using iPlayer on our Humax quite a bit recently (including just yesterday Sunday evening). A clunky experience these days compared with using via web-browser on a laptop... but it's still the easiest way of getting something on iPlayer shown on our telly compared with fiddling around...
That must have been it. I remember not getting far down it before I found a "Can I skip adverts: No" and bailing out but I see now there's been some clarification of that situation (2nd post there) which was presumably rolled back into the original post.
Googling turns up quite a bit of...
Was just reading it. Interesting, but I'm absolutely amazed there is zero mention of ad-skipping functionality and behaviour. I mean take
for example. I can assure you I value the ability to skip forward over a minute or two of ads at least as highly as I do pause and back. I suspect "an...
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