fox hdr t2

  1. G

    Is "Sweeper" (or an equivalent) available for the FoxSat-HDR?

    I was pleasantly surprised to find this site as my trusty FoxSat-HDR is happily still running with Raydon's custom firmware (version 4.1.3) so many of the Humax bugs don't affect me. But I still get a bit frustrated at some legacy shortcomings, and I've learned to get round some of them via an...
  2. R

    Need guidance on diagnostics - large spike in HDD temp never seen before

    Hi All, I got an alert a little while back (flashing red ring on the front) to say internal temp (HDD?) was too high. I checked it out , expecting a small rise over the threshold which on a hot day can occur but I found this. between 10 and 11pm the HDD temp reading "says" it went from 47 deg...
  3. S

    Web Interface Failing on HDR Fox T2

    Our family Humax HDR Fox T2 was running ever-more-slowly, so I started to do some digging. Initially I had several disk warnings showing on the Disk Maintenance area of the Web Interface: 197 Current_Pending_Sector -O--C- 1 100 100 000 - 198 Offline_Uncorrectable...