Backing up my videos


I decided to back up my 2 TB of unwatched or cherished recordings to a NAS with enough space via my Windows PC.
I have films recorded back to late 2011.

The command I used may be of interest

Took a very long time, and the Humax froze and was power cycled several times.

The connection failed a number of times too.
Possibly because the PC was busily robocopying something even larger from the NAS to a USB 3 external hard disk.
When the PC was writing to a fast bit of the disk the 1 Gb connection between NAS and PC was saturated.
After that finished this robocopy suffered much less.

@echo on
rem backup Humax (//pvr) videos to hazard share (h:)
rem far too big for normal backup share which is backed up to <censored>
rem Custom Firewall SAMBA modified times seem to be flakey sometimes
rem I seem to recall that this is a feature of very old versions of SAMBA
rem best to run twice, then run with /L appended to command line

robocopy "\\pvr\My Video" "h:\pvr\My Video"  *.ts *.mp4 /MIR  /J /XJ /FFT /R:20 /W:20 /COPY:DT /MT:1 /XD " [FlatView]" "[Deleted Items]"