Blank EPG on PC not iPad?

More details required: PC OS, web browser and version? Your problem is at that end, not the Humax end.
Window 7 64bit. Internet explorer 11.
I have tried a restart and have tried an Internet explorer cache delete but the Webif EPG still blank. I can see the EPG on the mobile view of the desktop Webif and on my iPad and iPhone.
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Guess the key bit is at the end:

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Here's an anecdote. My webif EPG was missing the first 3 channels and started on C4 last night. I tried (in Firefox a couple of times). As I was in a hurry I recorded Screenwipe (BBC2 - not in the webif EPG) using the remote control EPG and the TV.

I left the PC/browser running. This morning I checked and the webif EPG started from BBC1 as per normal.

Restart the humax in the first instance and see if it makes a difference.
Guess the key bit is at the end:

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Yes, the interesting bit is usually at the end. Is there anything in the webif-error.log on the Diagnostics page?
Use [code]...[/code] for code or terminal dump sections in posts. For info see Help >> BB Codes (bottom right corner of forum page) or

I guess he means from the PC rather than on the PC.

A reboot of the HDR-FOX is the first thing to try (from complete power off), but it would do no harm to reinstall the WebIF. Googling " force reinstall webif" produced this as the first hit (enter the command on the Telnet command line, for Telnet info see the wiki HERE - click):

humax# opkg install --force-reinstall webif