Box won't upgrade - ignores USB stick


New Member
I am trying to upgrade the software on my Foxsat HDR and get the following problem:-
From standby, I insert the USB stick containing the software. I press and hold the STANDBY button on the box. I see the loader splash screen on the TV and BOOT on the LCD. The LED on the USB stick flashes but I never see anything other than BOOT on the LCD and the box just boots into TV mode ignoring the USB stick. I've tried 2 USB sticks, one of which I used successfully for the previous upgrade. I have even tried setting the box to factory defaults but the problem remains.

Has anyone else seen this problem or have any ideas to help.

Problem solved.
I put the software onto an old mp3 player which I now use only as USB storage. Worked a treat. I have no idea why the other two sticks were were ignored. One of the failures was formatted as FAT32 same as the mp3 player.
Problem solved.
I put the software onto an old mp3 player which I now use only as USB storage. Worked a treat. I have no idea why the other two sticks were were ignored. One of the failures was formatted as FAT32 same as the mp3 player.

Same problem here. After 2 different USB sticks failed - both tried as 512Mb EXT3 and FAT32 partitions - the HDR finally found the upgrade file when it was saved to an old 256Mb MP3 formated as FAT16.

Well worth the effort though, Raydon's mods are epic!