Can't Reinstall Webif.


I finally bit the bullet and changed my drive.

I flashed the stock firmware first, and everything works. I installed the latest CFW but can't connect. In testing the internet connection I pressed tv portal button and got the "Custom Firmware Successfully Installed! - Download and Install the Full Web Interface" message I expected to see when I logged on remotely.

There seems to be some vestiges of the custom firmware / packages still in flash. For example the default channel number.

I am not able to connect via ftp or telnet either. How do I crack into the box to install webif & my packages?

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The core custom firmware is stored in flash memory, so unless you ran the 'return to manufacturer' diagnostic before reverting to standard firmware some of it is still there, even if you have installed a new disk. It should not matter though. I would try reflashing the custom firmware to see if you get back to the 'install full web interface page'. Before doing this check that the unit is connected to the network: check that the LAN or LAN and wireless settings are correct under >System> internet settings.
Working now. I am not too sure what happened. TV portal worked on stock firmware when I tested. By the time I flashed the custom firmware it did not. While I reflashed again I reset the router and powerline adapters, and then it worked.

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Interesting symptom : )
Yes, there are parts of custom packages in flash as well as on disk so swapping the disk leaves bits installed unless you follow either of the clear-out steps available in the web interface (remove all packages & settings or RMA). Generally it isn't a problem because as soon as you install the packages again onto the hard disk, the bits in flash are no longer orphaned and most of your previous settings should also still be there. Must have been something to do with the network since the installation web page was obviously running.