The Dumb One
Well, lets start a thread that puts this "May be deleted" stuff to bed once and fall all by answering the following without shed loads of code that needs a black belt script kiddie to understand it.
1 When you get the message, has anything actually been deleted?
2 What has been deleted? Although this is fairly irrelevant as log as the answer to 3 is "Yes".
3. Is there a simple method of re-instating the deleted stuff (like clicking a button on the diagnostic page without having to remember what script to run.? (If not, why not?)
1 When you get the message, has anything actually been deleted?
2 What has been deleted? Although this is fairly irrelevant as log as the answer to 3 is "Yes".
3. Is there a simple method of re-instating the deleted stuff (like clicking a button on the diagnostic page without having to remember what script to run.? (If not, why not?)