Just though this might be a good idea to exchange tips & tricks for those on OSX. I didn't see anything dedicated on the Wiki. If there already is a thread im sure Black Hole will let me know!
I'm on Snow Leopard due to a wifi issue I had on Lion. Turns out it was hardware related and replacing the network adapter has resolved my issues so im going to goto Mountain Lion next week.
Does anyone know if the Humax is mounting OK as a share on ML? I found it didnt work on Lion - I believe apple messed around with smb shares.
It works in SL but can be tricky. Dragging a folder will often give eror message 'there is not enough free space' and if you press replace it will start to copy but 5/10 times it will throw up an error before completion. Happened to me today backing up 50gb of music, with an error after 9gb transfered. (I tend to use my HDR as a backup for my backups)
Most of the time I use Filezilla FTP client with the standard settings. (pass is 0000)
For encoding MKV to mp4 i use mkv2vob
with the following settings. I find It works well but seems to crash on large mkv's - over 8gbs but ive only tried a few. I mostly go for the smaller sized mkv files / 720p
On my old itouch 2g I used Buzz Player to stream but clearly something isnt working when I try it now, all videos are green & pixalated (audio works) - what are people using to stream to itouch or iphones?
Anything else of use? I havent used telnet or anything before, keen to hear what else I can do.
I'm on Snow Leopard due to a wifi issue I had on Lion. Turns out it was hardware related and replacing the network adapter has resolved my issues so im going to goto Mountain Lion next week.
Does anyone know if the Humax is mounting OK as a share on ML? I found it didnt work on Lion - I believe apple messed around with smb shares.
It works in SL but can be tricky. Dragging a folder will often give eror message 'there is not enough free space' and if you press replace it will start to copy but 5/10 times it will throw up an error before completion. Happened to me today backing up 50gb of music, with an error after 9gb transfered. (I tend to use my HDR as a backup for my backups)
Most of the time I use Filezilla FTP client with the standard settings. (pass is 0000)
For encoding MKV to mp4 i use mkv2vob
with the following settings. I find It works well but seems to crash on large mkv's - over 8gbs but ive only tried a few. I mostly go for the smaller sized mkv files / 720p
On my old itouch 2g I used Buzz Player to stream but clearly something isnt working when I try it now, all videos are green & pixalated (audio works) - what are people using to stream to itouch or iphones?
Anything else of use? I havent used telnet or anything before, keen to hear what else I can do.