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Demuxing HDR2000t TS files


New Member
I've recently replaced my aging and tempermental 9200t with a HDR2000t.
My question is what program do I need to demux the TS files from the 2000; I used Project X on ts files from the 9200 for year with no problem, but it doesn't seem to like the 2000 ts files.
I've recently replaced my aging and tempermental 9200t with a HDR2000t.
My question is what program do I need to demux the TS files from the 2000; I used Project X on ts files from the 9200 for year with no problem, but it doesn't seem to like the 2000 ts files.
How are you downloading the ts files? Are the problem files SD or HD recordings?
I am downloading SD files to a USB memory stick. According to the literature this should decrypt the files. I've verified this by playing the file on my PC using VLC media player.
I've only downloaded one HD file, after setting byte 03DC in the .HMT file to 04 (as per #post-42752) and that also played using VLC.
Apologies for the delay in replying but for the last week I've had a flu bug that's sweeping thru the town. (Swine flu if the rumours are to be believed!)
Okay, so we've established that you understand about encryption (which was not obvious). What exactly do you want to do - what's your target?
My target is to burn selected programmes onto DVD having removed Adverts etc.

i.e. Demux files using Project X, edit with Cuttermaran, create DVD files with DVDstyler, burn to disc with IMGBurn.
Free up space on the hard drive!
That's a hell of a lot of effort for "just telly".

StDef files are a much better fit for burning a standard DVD than HiDef, the only fly in the ointment being that in general your typical video editor won't take .ts as a source. All it needs is tweaking to .mpg first, and then you should be away - you can use Handbrake for that.

Now we have established that this is a post-processing query, I'll direct you to the Audio/Video File Manipulation (click) section of the forum, where there are a number of topics related to this.

We regard VideoReDo as the go-to for this kind of thing, it's not cheap but it is very effective (and fast - edits are performed without transcoding, which is uncommon in typical video editing software). Were you content to just burn the .ts (which is actually M2TS format) to a DVD, there are plenty of freeware programs to do that.
That's a hell of a lot of effort for "just telly".
I agree but it's the only method I know using free programs.

...the .ts (which is actually M2TS format) ....
Presumably that's why Project X will not demux it, unless there's a setting I'm missing.

Now we have established that this is a post-processing query, I'll direct you to the Audio/Video File Manipulation (click) section of the forum, where there are a number of topics related to this.

That's a very useful link, I'll have a look at some of the free programs suggested in the link.

Thanks for your help BH. :thumbsup:
If you want to continue down the free programs route and Project X doesn't work - try ffmpeg and the GUI for it, Avanti.
Project X ought to work for the majority of SD recordings - BUT it probably wont work for those SD recordings made from an "HD" multiplex - e.g. Talking Pictures TV, Film4+1.
Update: I realised that my version of Project X was a bit out of date (2006 version so I downloaded and installed the latest version 0.91.10 (2014) and that seems to work fine.
I guess it helps to stay up to date:oops: