EPG on Webif not updated

It is updated on webif EPG on the Freeview HDR-FOX T2, I don't have a Foxsat box to compare with.
I don't know about the Freesat version of RS, but the Freeview version is only updated once per day as I understand, so will not pick up any programme changes.
Even running Diagnostics >> Diskpush doesn't update it. af123’s server needs to be retuned first I think. (Freeview). Foxsat EPG should not be affected.
Even running Diagnostics >> Diskpush doesn't update it. af123’s server needs to be retuned first I think. (Freeview). Foxsat EPG should not be affected.

Topic title says WebIF - are we actually talking RS?
Foxsat EPG should not be affected.
But it is.

Sorry for the confusion:
I started talking correctly about webif epg on Freesat. Then the discussion moved to Freeview and confusion arose.

Now it seems that all are affected: Webif epg on Freesat and RS hummypkg on Freeview.