I am in broad agreement, the only problem being that I don't have the time to split between the two, and I have (yet) to get used to the formatting options available in the wiki to write a tidy article (and, while I don't want to decry the efforts people have put into the wiki, either the wiki software is very lacking in presentation skills, or the authors are -
sorry, not my intention to appear unkind, but that is how it seems to me).
It also seems to me that people look at what's available, glaze over, and post a question hoping to have it spelt out (again).
While I have been away washing up I more-or-less decided to post a new topic "Custom Software - Start-Up Guide" or words to that effect, explaining very briefly what it is, what it will do for you, the steps required to get up and running, and what to do if it all goes wrong - with links to information that explains each item in greater detail. I don't have the time to do this right now, and only later if I bump some other stuff I should be doing (which is basically what happens every time). You're right, the wiki is the right place for this though I would naturally gravitate to doing it on the forum. Perhaps I'll use it to cut my teeth on wiki formatting.
I know one of the stengths of a wiki is that (almost) anyone can contribute to it so it does not hinge on the output of one or a few people, but I also find it inhibiting that I might create a finely-crafted article only to have somebody else come along and balls it up. I would be much happier if it can be locked and only unlocked for editing by the original author or a supervising authority. Hence another factor which keeps me embedded in the forum.
Something that has inhibited me so far, and I know I keep banging on about this, is how to refer to the custom software project. I see the lack of a name as a problem. It's like calling a dog "Dog". If you want to write about something you have to know what to call it. I have pipe dreams of writing a manual in pdf that people could print out and refer to.
Have a read of this (short) article (which I think I first saw by following a link on myhumax.org - can't find it there now though)
You seem to be broadly in accord with what's written there.
I'll take your word for it.
as opposed to:
Please read the FAQ before posting.
I might have become a little bit more irritable recently, but I hope the vast majority of my responses fall into the former category rather than the latter.