FVP 5000T wi-fi failure


New Member
Hi, I wonder if anyone is well informed on the wi-fi modules and antennae for the FVP 4000/5000T and HDR 1000/1100S recorders.

I have an FVP 5000T which has a wi-fi problem. Setting up from factory defaults, it skips the wi-fi setup procedure and if I try to do it manually the screen message says the wi-fi network is not available, although it works with my Humax Aura and other devices (even the car outside 20 feet away through thick brick walls). Re-loading the software from a usb stick made no difference.

I suspect the antennae boards or the wi-fi module they're connected to. Does anyone know if these are common to FVP 4000/5000T and HDR 1000/1100S? Could be a cheap 1000S with the hard drive problem will donate parts if they're common.

PS I looked in my FVP500T and an HDR 1100s; the wi-fi modules and antennae look different. The HDR 1100s looks like the wi-fi board will unplug from the mainboard, the FVP5000T looks like it won't although I didn't apply much force. Any comments?
Not sure if it'll work, but has anyone tried attaching a usb WiFi dongle to it as an alternative? Note - older Humax requires a type with chipset RT3070, not sure what's needed for your one.
But it'll probably be easier to replace the unit as mentioned above.
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I think that's a good call. It seems reasonable that the OS doesn't care how it picks up a WiFi service, so if the OP happens to have a USB WiFi dongle to hand there's no harm trying plugging it in.