Gitea problems


Well-Known Member
How do I convert an "Open" pull request into a "Proposed" pull request?
I can see no difference between #19 and #27 but something doesn't like it.
I find the whole thing very unintuitive and frustrating. Browsing for guidance yields 0 results.
I subsequently found out that changing the interval you are looking at on that page changes the status e.g. if selecting 1 month instead of 1 week, it will show them all as Proposed. I really don't get it I'm afraid, and I've been using other version control systems for at least 30 years (I think the first one was Polytron Version Control System around about 1988). I don't feel clever enough any more to use git properly, at least without a decent overview of the proper workflow to get things done the 'right' way. As it is, I just stumble about and hope.
There may be a bug in Gitea but as they haven't documented what that page is intended to show no-one can tell.

However, the page seems to be imitating GitHub's pulse page, which you reach from a GitHub project page through the "Insights" link. The bottom section is helpfully labelled "Sometimes conversations happen on old items that aren’t yet closed. Here is a list of all the Issues and Pull Requests with unresolved conversations.". Apparently the Gitea page is showing activity that falls outside the selected period, and "open" reflects the item's status outside that period, whereas proposed/merged are changed statuses for items during the period.

Git itself, though, is heavily documented, even if the documentation concentrates on the sort of large-scale problems that Linus (et al) was trying to solve. That sets up a different sort of problem.