hmt util for PC (etc)?


Active Member
Might I request, please, whoever looks after the hmt util, please make it available for Linux/x86 or MacOS?

I store my recordings off-HDR, and it would be useful to be able to inspect .hmt files.

thanks much indeed.

Apologies for the slow reply. Don't check this forum very often - for a faster response a post to the relevant AVForums thread is always better.

Anyway, have uploaded a Linux/x86 binary here :

Have no way of compiling a MacOS version I'm afraid as I don't own any hardware I could do that on.

Hopefully this is what you were after.


Might I request, please, whoever looks after the hmt util, please make it available for Linux/x86 or MacOS?
Version of hmt for Linux and Solaris have already been complied by af123 (not MacOS as far as I know), They are available from the WiKi page HERE
Anyway, have uploaded a Linux/x86 binary here :

hi Adrian, sorry to be a pain, but...

would you please consider changing things slightly so that it doesn't open the HMT file read-write if it's not going to write to it?

I export my video files RO (from a Solaris server), and so, when I run the above util on a Linux NFS client, it fails immediately:

$ hmt Tour\ De\ France\ 2012\ Highlights_20120722_1900.hmt
Tour De France 2012 Highlights_20120722_1900.hmt: Permission denied

and that's because:

open("Tour De France 2012 Highlights_20120722_1900.hmt", O_RDWR) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)

any chance of a RO open when there are no args (or just -p/-r), please?

thanks much indeed.