Humax plex scanner?

daniel hickling

New Member
Hi all

I wonder does anybody use plex to view there converted/decrypted humax recordings?

I do, its great. However it would be better displayed with epg data.

A proper scanner for plex is required in Python to get the necessary info to display or use the .hmt file info?

The enigma2 scanner is doing a similar thing with dreambox files using code like this.

# Enigma2 files look like: YYYYMMDD HHMM - Channel - Programmename.ts
qfile = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
(qdatetime,qchannel,qprogramme) = qfile.split(' - ',2)
(qdate,qtime) = qdatetime.split(' ')
# Construct as: Programmename (Channel) DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM
name = qprogramme+" ("+qchannel+") "+qdate[6:8]+"/"+qdate[4:6]+"/"+qdate[0:4]+" "+qtime[0:2]+":"+qtime[2:4]
print "Name =", name
year = qdate[0:4]

Can something similar be hacked together for plex files?

It would rock