Incorrect Programme lengths showing on completed recordings


New Member
Since Christmas, I have had most of my recordings working fine but showing the wrong length both on the browse media files screen and in the Actual Time it shows for a programme on Info. Yet the whole recording has been made and can be played. Here is an example:
30/12/2022 22:12:51 - Recorded: Channel 5 HD Fri 30 Dec 2022 21:37:12-21:50:34 New: Riptide (13 minutes, 1.74 GiB)
The whole hour is there when I play the episode though if I pause the display shows the position as the right proportion of the programme but of the 13 minutes, not the actual 60 minutes.
Anyone else seen this?
Happy New Year!
In case it helps narrow something down, I recorded and watched the Riptide series on our 1010S satellite box and the times, etc, were all correct. So this is probably not a broadcaster problem.