Independent Crop

I'm looking for a script too which will work through a folder of files and crop the file where there are 6 or more bookmarks in the file. ...
This shell function will detect the condition where a recording has at least 6 bookmarks:
has6bmks() {
    # read bookmarks into 5 dummy vars and then a 6th
    hmt -bookmarks "$1" | { read -r  _ _ _ _ _ x6 && [ -n "$x6" ]; }
Example of use:
if has6bmks "/path/to/recording"; then
    echo "recording has at least 6 bookmarks"
    echo "not enough bookmarks"
Thanks for the info, I'll piece this into a text / script file and share here first. To execute a script file from the webshel... do I follow these instructions?
  1. Write the script in the file using an editor.
  2. Make the script executable with command chmod +x <fileName>.
  3. Run the script using ./<fileName>.
Sorry if this may seem a lame question but I'm newbie to linux stuff.


Yes, but WebIF >> Diagnostics >> File Editor usefully has "create file" and "make executable" buttons.