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Is Multimode RTS aware?


Hi Folks

I have one machine recording radio progs and that one is set to pad recordings. My other machines which record TV progs are using Accurate Record. I just got another which I want to use for a mix of radio and TV progs. I have Multimode installed and all the radio station are in the 'padding' section and TV channels are in the 'leave alone' section. Do I need to restart to get Multimode to modify any scheduled radio recordings or is Multimode aware of Real Time sceduling and I'm not waiting long enough?


AFAIK RTS is compatible with MultiMode,

Recordings I have scheduled on padding channels have had the correct padding applied,

Edit: Correction - I was looking at recordings that had been scheduled for a while and had the padding applied at reboot, newly scheduled recordings do not have the padding.
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I can't think of any reason it wouldn't be. "All" RTS does is promote alterations to the schedule database without needing a reboot to do it (I put "all" in quotes, because it was a huge effort to achieve that).
I can't think of any reason it wouldn't be. "All" RTS does is promote alterations to the schedule database without needing a reboot to do it (I put "all" in quotes, because it was a huge effort to achieve that).
It would depend on when and how the padding/AR changes are applied to the schedule entries by multimode - I have never looked into how it works but there could be well be interactions
Hi Folks

Firstly, the machine is set to record using AR as default. Radio stations are in Multimode's 'padding' section. I'm scheduling via the WebIf with RTS enabled.

What I've observed so far is that any radio recordings scheduled are set as 'AR' until the machine is restarted when they then become padded so perhaps I've answered my own question. I thought the change might happen without a reboot as I believe 'Newk' makes changes to the folder name without a restart.


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As you've found, multimode is not currently RTS enabled.
I will have a look at what's required to change that.
Well, it currently just runs at boot, before the Humax software starts.
It will need to hook into the queue system and run periodically or be triggered by an event.
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Aha! So it's not that it needs to be RTS-aware as such, more that RTS doesn't get the chance to work.
Well, not just that... the current system directly updates the database on boot. The new one will need a mechanism to stage changes and have RTS process them. It should be possible though.
So how do you then align that for people who don't have RTS enabled? Does that mean every schedule-manipulating package has to read the RTS flag and act in two different ways accordingly?
So how do you then align that for people who don't have RTS enabled? Does that mean every schedule-manipulating package has to read the RTS flag and act in two different ways accordingly?

Packages create a hook file called `rts.hook` which is used whenever a new schedule item is created in RTS mode - that gives the package a chance to make changes straight away.

The second part is to enable periodic running which I do with an `auto.hook` something like this:

if {[rsv rtsched]} {
        ::auto::register multimode 995

the existing boot-time service persists too.
Working for me :)
Programs scheduled via webif are converted to padding immediately and those scheduled via the remote are converted at the next auto processing run.