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Late arrivals at the Post Retune Ball


Ladeez and Gentlemen!!

Pray welcome Mrs and Mrs Bennett-It's-a-Pain-Having-to-do-a-Manual-Retune-Just-to-Tell-My-Telly-That-Bluebell-Hill-Gives-My-Best-Signal, and their son, Gordon.

This is 2012. Why can't I tell my HDR T2 that whatever it thinks there's a socking great hill between me and Tunbridge Wells - a hill that's unlikely to move just because Rabbit 1-2-1 has changed from channel 201 to 204?

Grrrrrrrrrrrr....... :mad:

Come on BYTs...!
If you've got your 6 'good' Mux channel numbers jotted down, then a manual re-tune really is a 10Min. job and a schedule / Favorites restore (from Custom Firmware) takes another 5Mins. All the hard work has already been done
Yes, the HD/HDR-FOX-T2 boxes are very easy to perform a manual retune, I really can't see what all the fuss is about.:rolleyes:
Excellent rant there from LDW deserves a 7.465/10 , brightened up a sunday morning :cool:

ps I agree with him. It's the re-tune for channels I never use that annoys me and should not be on freeview in the first place.
It's the re-tune for channels I never use that annoys me and should not be on freeview in the first place.

Yes indeed - leaving aside for one moment the fact that I now have to press 3 buttons to get the HD channels (see mini rant Here (at the end of the post) - but also now when I start the EPG at 101 for BBC 1 HD I now get treated to the start of the listings for Adult TV right next to it!! So I deleted the Adult TV channels only to find I now have the Rabbit channels for people who are not interested in domestic pets, but rather those who have failed to pull by all the other myriad mediums out there and now resort to their TV's!!!!! At least if you scrolled up from HD before the re-tune you went to Kids TV and then News channels. More channel deleting and renumbering to do!!