Live Buffer Playback Skips

Black Hole

May contain traces of nut
I'm still testing my second HDR, and was using it to buffer PickTV this evening - but delayed playback was jumping every few minutes by maybe 10-14 seconds, and yet when I skipped back the jumps did not repeat.

Initially I feared disk problems, but recordings play back with no problem, and live buffering on other channels (BBC1, BBC1 HD, Quest) shows nothing similar. I therefore conclude there is something about the specific PickTV data upsetting the HDR.

(Just for the record)
Don't know, I will have to recreate the conditions under which the symptoms occurred (might not be easy) and try it.
I have noticed something that I believe is similar to what you describe. I have noticed that when buffering live video, the play back from the buffer appears to be at a slightly faster rate than the live video, so eventually you catch up to the live video, and then you get a little jump as it switches from the buffer to the live feed.
I have noticed something that I believe is similar to what you describe. I have noticed that when buffering live video, the play back from the buffer appears to be at a slightly faster rate than the live video, so eventually you catch up to the live video, and then you get a little jump as it switches from the buffer to the live feed.

I don't think that is normal, I usually watch TV with a very small time delay (e.g. pause imediately followed by play) because this gets rid of 'Red Button' and 'Book Me', but if I watch the same channel for hours, the Humax still doesn't catch-up to real time
Definitely not the same. I can't see any reason the playback should empty the buffer faster than it is being filled, unless you skip the adverts of course!
Well, I had another look tonight and got the same symptoms. I then recorded the buffer and the recording playback did the same thing (skips which did not repeat on replay). I had a look at the signal strength and it's down to 10% (downstream of HDR1).

I think the signal strength is the key, but it produces an effect that I would not have anticipated - faulty data in a recording ought to play the same every time, right?

To confirm I will switch the aerial feeds and hopefully the symptoms will transfer to HDR1.
I can't do this experiment now because while I was reconfiguring a connector fell apart, and once repaired the signal strengths are up to 60%!