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Minimum fan speed not holding


New Member
I've installed the fan package (after concernt that my system was overheating) and the box has been rebooted several times, however the minimum fan speed set via web-if doesn't seem to make it to the fan itself. I can that it's sat there idle.

The fan does work though when the system gets warm and it is bringing the temperature down, but once that's done the fan returns to idle.

Anything I should check or anything more to do than set the slider and press update in the settings?

In case it's relevant, the system crashed yesterday evening (twice, both times after pressing a (different) button on the remote) and after visiting the web-if I was warned that some packages would be disabled just in case, but I don't see anywhere to see which ones were disabled, nor where to enable them again.
Just in case it goes tits up. You know, standard backup procedure before you do anything to a system 'in case anything happens' that completely destroys the data on the HDD.;)
Do you backup the whole system before installing or removing a package?
Do you do it before deleting a programme?
Do you do it before recording a programme?

Do you know what fix-flash-packages actually does?
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OK, so it wasn't expressed very well, but I think we should contain the hypercriticism of newcomers. My interpretation is that he chose to run a backup in case the crashes got worse, a reasonable thing to do if you have little knowledge of this particular ecosystem.
The fan does work though when the system gets warm and it is bringing the temperature down, but once that's done the fan returns to idle.

Anything I should check or anything more to do than set the slider and press update in the settings?

Are you actually setting a minimum value that runs the fan? 0-100 setting does not = 0-100% speed.
Trev, thanks for covering for me, you nailed it.

prpr You'll have to excuse my previous brevity. As I don't yet know what's causing the system to crash, I wasn't about to run something (anything) whilst I was backing everything up and risk screwing up the file copying, then go through the palava of working out what didn't get copied and do the process again.

As it turned out, the copying went without a hitch, and over the 8 hours, the disc temperature went up, the fan came on, the temp went down, the fan switched off, regular as you like. I think I can be confident that the fan is working and whilst it doesn't completely rule out over-heating, that and the positive SMART report seems to indicate that it's not the cause of the crashes.

MikeSh, yes, I'm setting a minimum value and have been tweaking it from 15-50% according to the slider label. However, even after running the 'fix-flash-packages', the fan seems reluctant to pick up the minimum speed setting.

Anyway, I will move on to the next part of the 'why it's crashing' post.
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Hang a bit of paper over the fan vent to see if it's working. FWIW I run my fan minspeed at 40%
Thanks Ezra, I had seen that, hence my going down the path of setting the fan's minimum speed. The worst value is 62, so it has got hot at some point. Since starting this topic though, it has been behaving and hasn't crashed again. The sysmon graphs don't show it getting hot enough for the fan to fully kick in over that time.

The other change I've made is to put fresh batteries in the remote.
Although 62 Deg. C is a little higher than usual,I think it is unlikely to have caused a disk crash in the past