In Web-If, the host name will show up in the top banner, in parentheses. If you have changed the name, the new name will appear there after a page refresh; no reboot required.
Sorry, there are two threads running on related topics and I get confused easily
It's nothing to do with Windows. That's just how the browser protocol bit of SMB networking works (on all platforms).I was aware windows sometimes needs time to think, even after a reboot.
You might wish to review the contents of /mod/etc/smb.conf and /mod/etc/smb.conf-opkg and merge the latter into the former if necessary.
That's what the set-dlnaname package sorts out, as someone has already posted in your other thread.Join me
EDIT: Many thanks for the solution to both questions.
Further edit: I note that in Media Devices, both boxes show up with identical names:
HDR-FOX T2 Media Server
Nothing to differentiate them but never mind it is not a problem.
Some bugs with the Samba package have been ironed out recently: see here. One of the default shares 'Media' is problematic, hence changes to the Samba configuration files. If you edited the SMB.conf file in the past on your old box, you will find that the some of the shared folders are different to those on the new one. It is straightforward to standardise your configuration; more details are in the quoted thread."If necessary". Please explain how I may find that is was necessary. If it shows up as required I am happy with that. However, it would be interesting to know more.
Bottom right-hand corner of Web-If, and on the front panel of the box itself when booting-up.I forced a re-install on the old box and got this error (I forget how to check the CF version):
This package requires Custom Firmware 2.20 or later
Collected errors:
* pkg_run_script: package "dlna-servername" preinst script returned status 1.
* preinst_configure: Aborting installation of dlna-servername.
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package dlna-servername.
Presumably, you modified the original for some reason. Without knowing how or why it is impossible to say whether you need to do anything."If necessary". Please explain how I may find that is was necessary. If it shows up as required I am happy with that. However, it would be interesting to know more.
humax# diff /mod/etc/smb.conf-opkg /mod/etc/smb.conf