Why is it Type in the EPG but Genre once it has been recorded?
I'll fix that too.Also Genre does not appear in the browse details box and is only shown in the list display
That would just give them more scope for getting it wrong. Plenty of them can barely manage as it is.It is also a pity that broadcasters don't use the sub-codes to provide a mores useful program categorization
It's also a pity they duplicate the guidance text in the synopsis!It is also a pity that broadcasters don't use the sub-codes to provide a mores useful program categorization
Appears to have broken sweeperSee https://github.com/hummypkg/webif/c...c3e7#diff-053126fae1a3c826728829df9d1a69d7R24
We now have a centralised table. I'll push out a webif update shortly.
29/01/2018 20:49:38 - ::sweeper::run: ts, unknown command "genrelist": should be _parse, _tvdb_resolve, bfile, bookmarks, classname, classvars, cleanbmp, clearepdata, copy, delete, destroy, dir, dlnaloc, duration, enc, episode_name, epstr, eval, exec, extract_numbers, fetch, fileset, finalize, flag, genre_info, genrenib, get, iconset, inuse, iterate, lastmod, lock, method, methods, mkbmp, mkbmps, mkmp3, mkmpg, mkthm, move, new, parse, renamegroup, resetnew, series_name, serieslist, set_deduped, set_new, set_shrunk, set_watched, setbookmarks, setfile, setflag, setgenre, setguidance, setsynopsis, settitle, size, storeepisode, touchgroup, tsr, unenc, unflag, unlock, unset_deduped, unsetflag, vars