Playback of Ad-Detected recordings intermittently stops


New Member
Long time user of CFW but not posted here for years and had to re- register.

I have a strange issue when watching recordings of long programmes (films etc) from commercial channels (which have been ad-detected). Have searched through the forums and have not seen anything similar.

Quite frequently, from somewhere after 50 minutes or so of watching, the playback will suddenly end as if the recording was cut short (though the duration of the recording looks correct.) It does not happen at a point near where an ad break has been removed.

We then have the laborious task of restarting the playback from the beginning (no option to resume is offered) then fast forwarding to a point just before where it stopped before. The playback then continues through that part without a hitch but it can sometimes happen again before the end of the programme.

Looking at the TVDiary log, there are numerous (non timed) entries for "Missing offset in calc_viewtime_minutes" seemingly being raised whilst we are watching the programme at the time that this happens.

In the process of running a fixdisk as I type this but I dont think that will be the cause as evreything else runs without a problem and this issue never crops up on BBC recordings which are filtered out of Ad Detect.

Anyone have any pointers as to what could be causing this?

EDIT: Detectads is using traditional method currently.
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This is what happens when the recording files are brutally hacked without fixing up the timestamps in the .ts file, and regenerating the .nts file.
It's much easier just to press the skip button.
It is not a symptom that I have seen reported before,
I am assuming you are using the cropping so try turning that option off
It is not a symptom that I have seen reported before,
I am assuming you are using the cropping so try turning that option off
Yes, cropping is brilliant. Removing any need for reaching for the remote especially when armed with the steam iron!

Fixdisk did come up with about 12 'Error reading block' meassages on SDA2

I wonder if the 'editing' process is upset when other actions on the player are carried out such as switching the unit to standby etc? I might try scheduling any Ad-detect processes to only be carried out in the early hours of the morning when the machine isn't being used.
Yes, cropping is brilliant.
Nonetheless, it does upset trick play functions such as skip because it does not patch up the .nts file (which contains time indexes to enable trick play). You are safer with just bookmarking the end of ad breaks and using the handset to jump to next bookmark.

Not quite sure but I think it was the same!
I didn't think that was possible, neither with the same name nor email. Perhaps this is not the forum you were registered on.