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Power loss on 2000T


New Member
I have a HDR-2000T

Occassionally the power is cutting off, annoyingly of course when it's recording. I unplug, wait a few minutes then put the plug back in and it then works fine. This has happened a few times over the last cople of weeks. Any idea of what is causing this annoying problem?


Occassionally the power is cutting off, annoyingly of course when it's recording. I unplug, wait a few minutes then put the plug back in and it then works fine. This has happened a few times over the last cople of weeks. Any idea of what is causing this annoying problem?
I take it you are sure the power is cutting out rather than the Humax software crashing?
It's not going to standby as there is no colour light at the front so I assumed it wasn't receing any power. How would I know if it's the software crashing?
It's not going to standby as there is no colour light at the front so I assumed it wasn't receing any power. How would I know if it's the software crashing?
If it is the software crashing then you would expect the box to start toreboot after a few seconds. If it isn't then you are probably correct that it is loss of power. The main power supply is external so easy to replace but it could be some other component on the motherboard.
........ I unplug, wait a few minutes then put the plug back in and it then works fine....
I wonder if it has hung (stuck and not responding)? This is slightly different than, say, a crash and reboot.
The telling bit is that you need to remove power (like hard reset) to reboot and regain control. Whereas a crash and reboot should return control to the remote wielder.
When you get the issue, what do you see on the TV viewing the HDMI Humax source? Does the Humax respond to any buttons on the remote at all, eg channel, volume, power etc?
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I wonder if it has hung (stuck and not responding)? This is slightly different than, say, a crash and reboot.
The telling bit is that you need to remove power (like hard reset) to reboot and regain control. Whereas a crash and reboot should return control to the remote welder.
When you get the issue, what do you see on the TV viewing the HDMI Humax source? Does the Humax respond to any buttons on the remote at all, eg channel, volume, power etc?
There is just a blank screen on the TV. There is no reponse to any of the buttons on the remote.
I don't touch anything so there is just the HDMI output to the TV
Clearly I meant a picture/audio!

It's unlikely the power is dropping out, far more likely that the 2000T is "freezing" and requiring a reboot. However, experience with HDR-FOX suggests there would still be some kind of output on the HDMI if that happened.
Not sure if this will help, but a friend has the 2000T and they have to reboot it on occasions, so they do that weekly now. When they use to leave it on 24/7 it eventually stops responding to the remote.
The confusing thing here is that DMQ says in post #3 that there is no light on the front panel. I’ve not seen this when my 2000T has crashed. So, just to clarify, when the box misbehaves is there any light on the front panel? If there isn’t this would point to a power problem.

I have also had cases where the 2000T doesn’t respond to the remote, usually when accessing a menu. The menu freezes, the picture may continue or freeze, the sound often continues. That requires me to reboot the box. The front panel light is on - either red or blue depending on what I’m doing.
The confusing thing here is that DMQ says in post #3 that there is no light on the front panel. I’ve not seen this when my 2000T has crashed. So, just to clarify, when the box misbehaves is there any light on the front panel? If there isn’t this would point to a power problem.

I have also had cases where the 2000T doesn’t respond to the remote, usually when accessing a menu. The menu freezes, the picture may continue or freeze, the sound often continues. That requires me to reboot the box. The front panel light is on - either red or blue depending on what I’m doing.
Just to clarify. When the Humax goes down there is no blue or red light at the front. The remote does not function.
I disconnect the power, wait a short while, then reconnect and the Humax restarts and works fine.
Thanks everyone for your input.
At the moment it seems to be working fine but I thought that recently before it switched itself off.
Hopefully it won't make a habit of it.