Recmon - what is it and what does it do ?


Ye Olde Bowler
As per the title.
Is this a necessary service as it does not seem to be very active ?
Recmon log last updated 3rd Dec 2019 at 10:26
Auto Startup and Status are 'on' in Service Management
It's a helper package for use by other packages. It can be used to trigger an event whenever a recording ends, such as a shrink.

As of 2013:
However, as we now have various things which could be triggered at the end of a recording (eg decryption), it seems fair to assume recmon is a useful service.
It is used by detectads to detect the start of recordings and by the auto process to detect the end of recordings and trigger an immediate run of decryption,
sweeper etc so yes it is very important

Flatview and Autounprotect also have hooks into it
Check /mod/etc/remon.d to see what uses it

By default it doesn't do any logging but I have put my own logger into /mod/etc/remon.d
It appears to be the flatview package which writes to the recmon log - did you uninstall that package last year?
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Thanks all for your replies. I'll just let sleeping dogs lie then...
It appears to be the flatview package which writes to the recmon log - did you uninstall that package last year?
I have never installed/used flatview but thanks. Not sure what happened - have attached log if it is of interest.


  • recmon.log.txt
    4.1 KB · Views: 6