Recmon - what is it and when does it run ?


Ye Olde Bowler
As above... I have two boxes, both with the Recmon service running.
Looking at the Recmon log I see the following with over 5000 entries showing the same thing:
Humax One
Log last modified: Sat Jul 30 11:46:37 2022

/mod/sbin/recmon: can't load library ''
/mod/sbin/recmon: can't load library ''
/mod/sbin/recmon: can't load library ''
/mod/sbin/recmon: can't load library ''
/mod/sbin/recmon: can't load library ''

Humax Two
Log last modified: Sat Apr 30 11:41:02 2022

/mod/sbin/recmon: can't load library ''
/mod/sbin/recmon: can't load library ''
/mod/sbin/recmon: can't load library ''
/mod/sbin/recmon: can't load library ''
/mod/sbin/recmon: can't load library ''

I have just rebuilt Humax One and the log date/time is when I first ran it with WebIf. Humax Two's log has not been updated since April.

Is the service worth still running as it doesn't seem to be doing anything (log-wise anyway)

Edit: Looking at the wiki has not made it any clearer to me.
The recmon process should be running as a daemon. It waits for one of the recording files to be closed and then kicks off whatever processing is required.
Check that its dependency, the inotify-tools package is installed.
Thanks @xyz321 and @prpr
I have force-installed both recmon and inotify-tools. After a reboot I can see in the modinit log that recmon started:
Is this all that recmon does ?

The log now shows:
Capture 31-07-2022 16_49_39.jpg

Not sure where I go from here, if anywhere.
Is this all that recmon does ?
It's a component. Before we had the auto-processing scan, you would have had to manually trigger decryption or whatever, but the recmon daemon (which means it runs continuously in the background to provide a service for other processes) monitors for end-of-recording and triggers processing for you. Don't bother about it. Something went wrong which is why you noticed it.
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Thanks @Black Hole for your informative response. As it seems to have been doing nothing for ages can I turn it off in Services ? (probably not necessary but it is the way my mind works ! [sometimes])
As it seems to have been doing nothing for ages can I turn it off in Services ?

Just because it isn't making log entries, doesn't mean it isn't doing anything. It's one of the original components, written before logging was incorporated into many of the utilities, so all the logging you get is the OS's exterior view of launching it or if it fails. If you turn it off, any process which expects to be triggered when a recording completes... won't be.

The thermostat in your car cooling system doesn't do much either, you gonna take that out? Fiddle under the hood at your own peril.