[RS] Auto Advance Rules - U&Dave channel not registering.

Dave F.

I had an auto rule to record QI XL except those broadcast on Dave & DaveJaVu.
Those channels have been renamed as U&Dave etc.
The rule didn't update itself. This is how it's now listed:

title {qi xl} !channel {UNKNOWNKEY (undefined)} !channel {UNKNOWNKEY (undefined)} action scheduleseries

I've tried updating to the new channel titles but they still didn't register (yes, I did use the save button at the bottom of the page).

I then tried to create a new rule - still the same problem.
I then selected an existing channel (BBC News) & it worked as expected.

Haven't tried any other of the U&* channels, but presume they have the same problem.
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I had an auto rule to record QI XL except those broadcast on Dave & DaveJaVu.
Those channels have been renamed as U&Dave etc.
The rule didn't update itself. This is how it's now listed:

title {qi xl} !channel {UNKNOWNKEY (undefined)} !channel {UNKNOWNKEY (undefined)} action scheduleseries

I've tried updating to the new channel titles but they still didn't register (yes, I did use the save button at the bottom of the page).

I then tried to create a new rule - still the same problem.
I then selected an existing channel (BBC News) & it worked as expected.

Haven't tried any other of the U&* channels, but presume they have the same problem.
Yes I am seeing the same problem
The U& channel names appear in the popup list of channels - the problem comes when you try to save the modify rules.
I suspect the problem is caused by the "&" in the channel names
Unfortunately @af123 is the only person with the ability to update the RS server
As a work around you could switch to Channel number or Channel name matches rules (leaving out the U& bit)

We should also check whether sweeper has similar problems
edit: It appears Sweeper only has channel number and not name rules
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As a work around you could switch to Channel number or Channel name matches rules (leaving out the U& bit)
As a short term fix, that's fine, but given how often broadcasters swap channel numbers, using that option isn't really viable.