RS EPG Region choice


Well-Knwοn Мember
How does the RS choose which region to use for the epg?

Last week after not receiving an expected RS email notification realised that I was missing both BBC 1 SD and ITV SD from the RS epg for 1 of my 2 RS HDR-FOX T2s. The channels were present and usable when directly using the HDR-FOX T2.
Looking at the RS settings it had 'London' instead of the region where BBC 1 SD and ITV SD where coming from.

As a rs\sync did not change the situation I performed a default settings and retuned and the RS epg now includes all the channels again and the RS settings now reflect the region for the tuned BBC 1 SD
Thanks, but that dosen't really explain why on this occasion it was not recognising which was my main region.
I always deliberately tune to more than 1 region with the main 6 muxes coming from 1 region, and local, com7 and com8 coming from London. (I understand enough about the Humax multiple transmitter issues to easily avoid scheduled programmes not being recorded.)

What I don't understand is how to make sure that the RS syncs with my BBC1 SD, ITV SD/HD channels.

Thinking a bit more about it, when I retuned to try and get the RS to use my BBC1 SD transmitter I retuned the BBC A mux first. The previous time I retuned after a default reset I manually tuned to COM 7 first. I'm wondering if the RS is using the first mux that was tuned which presumably has netidx of 1 in the NET table.
Ideally it would use the NET entry that was linked to it via the SVC table's ITV HD row (with the minimum usLcn and ignoring any with eCaseType = 0) and failing having any active ITV HD then just default to the first mux.
But at least I now have a theory for how I should retune if I ever action a full retune again.
Why is that ideal? Your idea of ideal may not be the same as somebody else's.
My logic was primarily intended to avoid the situation where the RS epg/notification was ignoring the bulk of the regional channels because of it not recoginising those channels within its region confinement.

Although before I retuned I'd only noticed BBC1 SD and ITV SD were missing, I am presuming that if I had looked ITV+1 and ITV HD would also have been missing.

The reason for picked on ITV HD to use as the region is because it is a regional channel and also it is more likely that someone would tune into just the HD channels rather than just the SD channel equivalents.

If someone was tuned into more than 1 region then the usual choice reported on-line is that they want their main region to have a lower LCN and the secondary region to be in the 800s.
Also the HDR-FOX T2 when autotuned gives a choice of region and it places the regional channels for the region chosen on lower LCNs.

For those who end up having their main region in the 800s then their unit is more likely to be in is in such a mess that missed recordings would be their number one issue and not whether or not any channels were missing from the RS epg and notifications.

The use of ignoring channels with eCaseType = 0 is that these are channels that have been manually deleted via the Humax GUI (unlike tunefix which really does delete them) and it is unlikely that anyone would want to have 'deleted' channels positively taken into account when RS selects its region.