New Member
These are just some notes detailing some recent experimentation - hopefully some of you may find them useful. Probably all of this functionality is available with the custom firmware - but while the box is still in warranty not everybody may be ready to take the plunge...
While it is possible to remove the "ENC" flag from *.hmt files in linux using foxy running under mono it is quite a manual process - something like:
1. ftp into your Humax using FileZilla, or similar.
2. copy the hmts onto your local machine.
3. run foxy and then drag and drop each hmt in turn for conversion.
4. copy the hmts back using Filezilla again.
If you have a lot a files this can take a while, and so it would be nice to accomplish all of this with a single command. Here's how.
Step one:
Build yourself a command line foxy equivalent. It seems that it is only the bit at 0x3DC that needs to be updated to get your Humux to decrypt HD recordings for you, so:
touch prog.cpp
then open the file in a text editor and paste in:
save it, and compile with:
g++ prog.cpp -o Foxy_DC
If that works, you should be able to run it with:
./Foxy_DC <your_filename>
Step two:
It turns out you'll need another command line tool later too, so you may as well build that now:
touch split.cpp
and paste in:
And complie with:
g++ split.cpp -o splitter
This is a nasty hack to get the file names of your recordings into a more useful format.
Step three:
Automate pulling your hmts off of your box. You'll need a bash script for this, so:
Then open the file with a text editor and paste in this lot:
You'll need to make this script executable on your system. You'll also need to modify the IP address of your box. The DIR can be up dated to 'My\ Video/series_name' if you want to run the script on a different directory.
Step 4
In whatever directory you have these files:
mkdir Archive
so you have somewhere to backup the unmodified hmts (just in case).
Step 5
Step 6
Check all your HD recordings are now ready to backup....
Hopefully this will be a quicker process. Like I said - just some notes from playing around yesterday evening.
While it is possible to remove the "ENC" flag from *.hmt files in linux using foxy running under mono it is quite a manual process - something like:
1. ftp into your Humax using FileZilla, or similar.
2. copy the hmts onto your local machine.
3. run foxy and then drag and drop each hmt in turn for conversion.
4. copy the hmts back using Filezilla again.
If you have a lot a files this can take a while, and so it would be nice to accomplish all of this with a single command. Here's how.
Step one:
Build yourself a command line foxy equivalent. It seems that it is only the bit at 0x3DC that needs to be updated to get your Humux to decrypt HD recordings for you, so:
touch prog.cpp
then open the file in a text editor and paste in:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void start_sm();
void usage();
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if(argc != 2)
return 1;
string input_file = &argv[1][0];
fstream in;[0], fstream::in | fstream::out | ios::binary);
cout<<"Unable to open: "<<input_file<<endl;
return 1;
unsigned int val;
unsigned int DC = 0x04;
cout<<"Input file: "<<input_file<<" opened OK."<<endl;
val = in.get();
cout<<"Encryption bit:\t"<<val<<endl;
if(val != 0x04)
cout<<"File has encryption..."<<endl;
cout<<"Overwrite encryption bit.."<<endl;
cout<<"No file encryption..."<<endl;
return 0;
void start_sm()
cout<<"Foxy_DC called"<<endl;
void usage()
cout<<"usage: please call Foxy_DC with a single argument"<<endl;
cout<<"that argument should be the name of the file to process"<<endl;
save it, and compile with:
g++ prog.cpp -o Foxy_DC
If that works, you should be able to run it with:
./Foxy_DC <your_filename>
Step two:
It turns out you'll need another command line tool later too, so you may as well build that now:
touch split.cpp
and paste in:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void usage();
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if(argc != 3)
return 1;
string input_file = &argv[1][0];
fstream in;[0], fstream::in | fstream::out);
cout<<"Unable to open: "<<input_file<<endl;
return 1;
string output_file = &argv[2][0];
ofstream out;[0]);
cout<<"Unable to open: "<<output_file<<endl;
return 1;
string line_in, line_out;
line_out = line_in.substr(44);
return 0;
void usage()
cout<<"usage: please call Split with <inflie> <outfile>"<<endl;
And complie with:
g++ split.cpp -o splitter
This is a nasty hack to get the file names of your recordings into a more useful format.
Step three:
Automate pulling your hmts off of your box. You'll need a bash script for this, so:
Then open the file with a text editor and paste in this lot:
#! /bin/bash
# Humax FTP details
readonly IP=''
readonly user='humaxftp'
readonly pass='0000'
readonly DIR='My\ Video'
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Connecting to FTP server:
echo IP- address $IP
echo User- $user
echo Password- $pass
echo Directory- $DIR
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Get File list from FTP server
# Heredoc to get file list and write to local file
ftp -n -v $IP << End-of-session
user $user $pass
cd $DIR
dir > Dir.txt
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Process File list
# ignore anything that isn't a hmt_file
grep hmt Dir.txt > hmt_files_long.txt
# clean up
rm Dir.txt
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo parse list
# Get only the filenames
./splitter hmt_files_long.txt hmt_files.txt
# clean up
rm hmt_files_long.txt
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo start downloads
# Build a todo list to download the hmt files from the box
echo >todo.lst user $user $pass
echo >>todo.lst 'cd' $DIR
while read N
echo >>todo.lst get \"$N\"
done <hmt_files.txt
echo >>todo.lst bye
# Download hmt files...
ftp -n -v $IP <"todo.lst"
#files downloaded,
rm todo.lst
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Archive hmt files
for file in *.hmt
cp "$file" "Archive/$file"
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo process downloads
#now process the downloaded files..
for file in *.hmt
./Foxy_DC "$file"
echo Files processed, put them back on the Humax...
# make the new todo
echo >todo.lst user $user $pass
echo >>todo.lst 'cd' $DIR
while read N
echo >>todo.lst put \"$N\"
done <hmt_files.txt
echo >>todo.lst bye
#upload them again
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo upload Files
ftp -n -v $IP <"todo.lst"
#final cleanup
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo Clean up files
rm todo.lst
rm hmt_files.txt
rm *.hmt
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo DONE
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You'll need to make this script executable on your system. You'll also need to modify the IP address of your box. The DIR can be up dated to 'My\ Video/series_name' if you want to run the script on a different directory.
Step 4
In whatever directory you have these files:
mkdir Archive
so you have somewhere to backup the unmodified hmts (just in case).
Step 5
Step 6
Check all your HD recordings are now ready to backup....
Hopefully this will be a quicker process. Like I said - just some notes from playing around yesterday evening.