Thanks BH. Yes I realise that about the naming of -padSecs. To me, padding (as in recording) extends the recording by the number of padding mins both at the start and the end. This is not what I want to do with the ads.
I want to set the value so that it includes more of the end of the adverts (i.e. shorten the amount of stuff cut out by detect ads, preferably just at the end of the ad) so that the sound recovers at the start of the continuation, not 2-3 seconds later.
My question is, do I need a positive or negative value of -padSecs to end the crop earlier (without the inclusion of words such as "as far as I can see", "might", "should" etc. implying uncertainty about the answer given) thus include a bit more of the ad at the end of the crop to allow the sound to sync before the wanted stuff starts.?
I also appreciate that I could (can) ponce around with the values myself to find out, but if someone knows for sure, it will save me the trouble.
Having said that, I would probably saved myself a bunch of time by just doing the poncing around. However, the 'error' is not 100% repeatable as pointed out by MymsMan above, so I would still be unsure whether my poncing or variations of the crop routine have worked or not.