• The forum software that supports hummy.tv has been upgraded to XenForo 2.3!

    Please bear with us as we continue to tweak things, and feel free to post any questions, issues or suggestions in the upgrade thread.



Well-Known Member
I have set and recorded Superman last weekend I think. It was a split event and afaik both parts recorded.
However, I got a new entry in my recording schedule for 15 June 12.00 as though it was series recording. When I click on the entry and then on event crid it finds nothing. When I click on event it finds the two entries for this Saturday.
Is it just down to channel 5 incompetence, or the hummy should not have picked up this Sat in the first place?
Looks like a broadcaster problem then. Any CRIDs ending in #n are parts of a split programme.
The main event crid was V3VS.
The events themselves only show for crid
The broadcaster is as you say at fault but my point is: Why would the hummy look for/program another recording once the original split recording has been dealt with/recorded two weeks ago. AFAIK there was no series flagged so once the splitevent has been recorded how/why would it record another.
I hypothesise that split events are handled similarly to series recordings in that it keeps the schedule entry around for a while and scans the EPG for matching events. I know that split recordings have their own schedule type. Should be easy to test anyway.
No real biggie, as it happens I recorded it again this time remembering to record the program within the split so as not to miss about 5 minutes of the film. I guess it's time to give channel 5 a ring.