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1. Firmware Revisions
Presuming it has power, the HD/HDR-FOX performs an "OTA (over-the-air) search" at 4.30am daily. This is the means by which revised firmware (the software which defines its operation) can be made available and installed automatically, without user intervention. It will come out of stand-by if necessary. Whether the HD/HDR-FOX detects and installs new firmware depends on (i) whether it has an aerial connection and access to the appropriate Freeview channel, (ii) whether there is an update being broadcast at the time, and (iii) whether the update is more recent than your existing firmware. If you happen to be viewing TV using the HD/HDR-FOX at 4.30am, a message will flash up saying it is about to search for new software, and offering you the chance to abort. If you make no response it will go ahead regardless.
Updates are broadcast when a new version of the firmware is released, and repeated occasionally afterwards so that anyone who missed it or has just acquired a new unit from old store stock will (sooner or later) be updated. The occurrence of these OTA update broadcasts are published on the Internet
HERE (click), and the current version installed on your HD/HDR-FOX can be inspected on-screen: Menu >> Settings >> System >> System Information >> Software Version
It is also possible to download firmware updates from the Humax web site and install them manually using a USB pen drive. Further details are available
HERE (click).
Firmware updates have no serious consequences (other than new bugs!) to your HD/HDR-FOX - they do not destroy your existing recordings, or affect any recordings you may have scheduled for the future. If you use timer on/off (Menu >> Settings >> Preferences >> Time), these will have to be reinstated after a firmware update. It is possible that your network settings may need to be reset, if the update affects those systems. However, you might be happy with your current system (or at least not want to adopt any new bugs), and it is possible to prevent the OTA search happening - see
HERE (click)*.
It is also possible to install older versions of firmware if a user dislikes the new features - eg the enforced automatic retunes introduced at 1.02.27. "Downgrades" must be treated with care however, as the indications are that hardware changes have occurred from time to time which are only supported by firmware contemporary (or more recent than) the hardware. It is suspected that this has occurred (HDR-FOX) at 1.02.26 and 1.03.06. Before downgrading, ensure you have a way of restoring what you had in case things go wrong, and be aware that if your HDR-FOX was delivered with firmware later than 1.02.26 installing firmware pre-1.02.26 may be non-functional (likewise 1.03.06).
Version History
1.02.20 is the earliest revision anybody is likely to be using. The audio format broadcast on the HiDef channels changed at the beginning of June 2012, and any recordings made since the change will not play audio with earlier firmware revisions. Prior to this, the capabilities of the Humax firmware had been gradually increasing - the ability to stream recorded content to devices on the home network (HDR-FOX only), the TV Portal which provides access to BBC iPlayer and YouTube etc, and ongoing improvements to HDMI compatibility. 1.02.20 (and previous versions) does however include a bug, such that when streaming content
from elsewhere on your network, it is incapable of playing or winding forward beyond the 4GB (gigabyte) point in the media file. For a HiDef video file that could be less than an hour's worth. Firmwares subsequent to 1.02.20 introduce a bug whereby AD (audio description) on StDef services does not work. There is one case on record where it appears the HDR-FOX cannot operate with 1.02.20. This may be because of a manufacturing change required a firmware change incorporated into later releases.
1.02.26 is a bit of an enigma: it was installed on a small number of HDR-FOX units bought new/refurbished, but never on the web site or OTA so the experts never got to see it and nobody's home units were updated with it. It was probably a pre-release 1.02.27 but presumably contained some bugs which resulted in Humax updating it before wider release. If you have (or had) 1.02.26 consider yourself one of the "lucky" few - it may be that 1.02.26 addressed the hardware build issue mentioned above, and is not compatible with earlier hardware (therefore not on general release).
1.02.27 is a beta (trial) release only made available for download and never broadcast as an OTA. It cured the 4GB playback problem, but also broke YouTube functionality on the TV Portal. HDR-FOXs on 1.02.27 seem prone to spontaneous factory resets (it returns to the unconfigured state and needs tuning and general setting up, but does not lose existing recordings). On-screen icons were added so that the user gets a message when the mode buttons on the handset are pressed (PVR-TV-DVD-AUDIO) - as long as you have the right version of the remote control (those requiring three digits to program them for your equipment).
Possibly the worst thing about 1.02.27 (and subsequent versions) is that it will retune your HD/HDR-FOX if the broadcast network triggers it and if you are not watching at the time to tell it not to. This clears your recording schedule in the process. See Section 2.
1.02.28 YouTube is working again but Internet Radio (TV Portal) is now broken. It includes the same other vices as 1.02.27. Sky Player is working (live and on-demand) via the custom software. For further discussion see
HERE (click).
1.02.29 is available for web download and manual update, but as far as I know never transmitted as an OTA. It is reported to solve the Internet Radio problem (which is curious, because it still works in 1.02.20!). 1.02.29 is the most recent version of firmware on general release for HD-FOX.
1.02.31 has been found installed on HD-FOX from the factory, but has never been released as OTA or download. Details unknown.
1.02.32 is reported to have better control over the automatic tuning process, being more careful to select the appropriate multiplexes (and apparently subsequent versions have broken this again). Although available for download for HDR-FOX, 1.02.32 has never been made available by OTA or for HD-FOX. An HD-FOX has been reported supplied with 1.02.32 pre-installed by Humax.
As of 18th September 2014, BBC iPlayer has ceased support for pre-1.03.xx firmware.
As of < 11th February 2016, the Humax TV Portal no longer functions at all with pre-1.03.xx firmware.
1.03.02 made available for download in January 2015, this is an update for the HD-FOX specifically, to restore BBC iPlayer functionality. Releases for HDR-FOX had reached 1.03.12 by that time. 1.03.02 has not been made available by OTA so far.
1.03.03 made available for download in March 2021, see 1.03.13 below.
1.03.06 has been supplied fitted to HDR-FOX, but was never made available as download or OTA. Thanks to a completely new HTML renderer (ie web browser) based on Opera, iPlayer has a slick new interface, but EPG navigation is sluggish. Note that the navigation appears to be speeded up by removing redundant entries in the recording schedule. The HDR-FOX hardware has changed to use new tuner technology (presumably the original type became unavailable so they had to change the board), the TV aerial sockets (input and output) are now paired vertically on the new units instead of horizontally. It could be that the 1.03.xx firmware is needed to support the new hardware. Two users with 1.03.06 supplied have tried to revert to 1.02.32 and found that it rendered their units unusable... one user did it twice! A custom 1.03.06 is available for download to reverse this problem if necessary. 1.03.xx firmware is also noted to format HDDs up to 2TB in capacity - previously the limit was 1TB, and even then a bit hit-or-miss.
1.03.11 has been reported supplied on a refurb old-type HDR-FOX. No other info at present, difference from 1.03.06 unknown.
1.03.12 is available as OTA for HDR-FOX. The EPG remains sluggish compared with pre-1.03.xx. 1.03.12 is reported to fix the EPG update problem when using auto-padding for unattended series recording, and to fix the recording failures for BBC3HD, BBC4HD etc (although there are still occasional faults with the sidecar files which appear to be coincident with the first recording made in these services after a retune - CF can fix these).
OTA updates were scrapped after 1.03.12 (HDR-FOX) / 1.03.02 (HD-FOX). This is largely due to all recent models of PVR etc having Internet update mechanisms (which was not so prevalent when the HD/HDR-FOX were brought to market, around 2010).
As of 29th September 2020, BBC iPlayer on the TV Portal stopped working due to expired certificates (HDR-FOX and HD-FOX). The YouTube app on the TV Portal has not been working for some time, due to YouTube's increasing demands on the client (see here for technical details
1.03.13 (HDR) / 1.03.03 (HD) restore iPlayer functionality, and were made available for download from the Humax website as of 20/03/2021. These firmwares update 1.03.12/1.03.02 with new certificates. It is no secret I regard this as remarkable, considering the length of time these models have been out of warranty. Humax first made a version of 1.03.12 available privately, with updated certificates, and this seemed to be satisfactory, but release of 1.03.13/1.03.03 has been accompanied by a new build of the executable
which has proven unsatisfactory for HD-FOX: there are issues with the time it takes to change channel, and significant loss of synchronisation between sound and vision for many minutes (it catches up in the end)*. This does not appear to affect the HDR-FOX build 1.03.13.
Be aware that, as of November 2023 (and 12-18 months previous to that), due to changes at the BBC end,
iPlayer no longer works on HDR-FOX nor HD-FOX, regardless of firmware updates nor custom firmware interventions. You can browse for programmes, but attempting to play them results in a crash and reboot.
* See Footnote (click)
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