.TS file to MP4 (using Ubuntu 22.0)?


I run ubuntu 22.04. Does anyone know how to convert a file that has been downloaded from the DVR and which is saved as a ts file. I would like to convert it to an mp4?
Why has practically the same question been posed by two people separately within the last hour?!!

  1. What steps have you taken to ensure the .ts in question has been decrypted?
  2. Is the .ts HiDef or StDef?
The ways and means will depend on your answers to the above.

I will also direct you to the Audio/Video File Manipulation section of the forum, which may well already answer your question.
Also see https://hummy.tv/forum/threads/converting-ts-file-to-something-more-usable.10864/post-166204

Presuming the .TS has been decrypted, you need something like:

ffmpeg -i input.ts -codec copy output.mp4

This can be run on the WebIF command console or your PC.