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Unexpectedly slow download speed ...

Julian Hicks

New Member
I've recently installed Raydon's firmware on my Foxsat HDR and have started using the simple FTP server connected to Filezilla on my Win 10 PC for offloads. The cable route beteeen them is as follows:

HDR NIC - CAT6 - GIgabit Router 1 - CAT6 - Gigabit Router 2 - Cat 6 - PC Gigabit NIC

I'm getting a maximum speed of offload of about 2.5 MiB/sec into my PC when downloading large .TS files! The HDR NIC can't be only 10Mb as that couldn't supply 2.5MiB/sec.
So why would a 100Mb NIC be limited to 2.5MiB/sec, which is only 25Mb/sec?

Regards - Julian
The CPU in a Foxsat is very weak and probably can't push data fast enough.
It certainly doesn't reach 100 on a Fox T2 which is more (but still not very) powerful.
These things were only specified for management, not large processing tasks.
2.5Mbit/s seems slow (to me). When I use FTP to move a recording from foxsat to PC, filezilla typically reports ~ 7MB/s which is around 50Mbit/s.
HDR <-> 10/100 layer 2 switch <-> 10/100/1000 L2 switch <-> 10/100/1000 L2 switch <-> 10/100/1000 L2 switch <-> PC

Are your routers operating at layer 3 ?
Put the PC and HDR in the same subnet and simplify the topology to just a 10/100/1000 switch and test.