WebIF EPG Weirdness

Black Hole

May contain traces of nut
What's happening here (only BBC FOUR, only one machine based on limited observation)?:


The entries are doubled up.

And yet, on the grid view:

Does it do it on a real computer? What does View Source make of it?
It's not doing it here on my HD. Can you preserve a copy of your /media/drive1/epgsavedata and /media/drive1/epg.db files? Are there any part files there and are the timestamps reasonable? Is the epg service still running?
Does it do it on a real computer?

What does View Source make of it?
Shows each entry doubled up.

Can you preserve a copy of your /media/drive1/epgsavedata and /media/drive1/epg.db files?
Done, see https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ldm4...ey=ah5ugam7i7xsylvzms59av9op&st=kivd3ax0&dl=0

Are there any part files there...

and are the timestamps reasonable?

Is the epg service still running?
According to the service management screen, yes.
Both files are fine. No duplication. The only other thing is your tuning database /var/lib/humax/channel.db
Ah, well, you might be onto something there.

Yes, I have not sanitised the tuning and I have a duplicate BBC FOUR in the 800s, and that one shows the same duplication... as do all the other duplicated services.

It seems to me the SQLite query gathering up entries for this particular mode of display needs a little refinement.