Actually my dad complained about the high speed fan noise, and I said I could stop that and make the box run cooler but it would need custom firmware and he said OK. Before he retired my dad was a mechanical engineer and draughtsman by trade, so he's quite capable of understanding technical things when explained.
I've also removed the orange filter on the display, because my mum said "and while you're at it is there anything you can do to make the front panel readable?".
My question for the HD Fox T2 was that, given all they use it for is as a live DVB-T2 off air tuner, is there any point installing CF on a USB stick? I understand about the remote playback being better with mounted filing systems, but they don't use that feature. They actually use iPlayer more on the HD Fox T2.
Both boxes are on cabled ethernet (including exterior grade CAT 6 cable to get to the HD Fox T2 upstairs) so there shouldn't be network problems. I've even installed remote scheduling on the HDR, my mum keeps forgetting to set things to record and then remembers when they're staying with me.