What do the coloured buttons do on HDR 1100?


New Member
We have recently bought the HDR 1100 PVR and was wondering what the coloured buttons on the remote do. I thought that perhaps they were used for possibly bookmarking recordings but they don't. Does anybody know why they are there. or is it that they are there just in case Humax think of a reason to use them in an update?
There is a number of uses, one of which is used to access the hidden setup menus. They were extensively used in previous Humax boxes and as the remotes work for all previous recent boxes they are also required for compatibility. If the coloured button is required they will normally have an on screen prompt.
Is there a red button service on Freesat? The colour buttons are used to navigate that (amongst other things). On the HDR-FOX, the menu system uses the colour buttons to access some of the facilities.
Is there a red button service on Freesat? The colour buttons are used to navigate that (amongst other things). On the HDR-FOX, the menu system uses the colour buttons to access some of the facilities.

The red button while on a BBC channel accesses TV (iplayer) , News, Sport Weather CBBC Cbeebies and Lottery.
Thanks for all of your replies. As a result, I have now been able to cut down on the number of buttons now installed on my Pronto universal remote controller. However, last night we were doodling around the channels and happened across what I thought was a doumentary about the James Bond film The World Is Not Enough which was showing the opening sequence of the boat chase on the Thames. Then I realised that the audio description had somehow switched itself on and what we were watching was the beginning of the film.

As the AD button does not exist on the Pronto, I had to get the Humax remote and stick some batteries in it to switch AD off. Puzzling!